A day after the moon sighting in UAE, Rabu ul-Awwal Moon was sighted in India and Pakistan on Tuesday, October 29. As per Islamic traditions, the attempt to see the moon determines the start date for the Islamic month of Rabi ul-Awwal. Therefore, the holy month of Rabi ul-Awwal has started from November 30 in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.
The moon sighting on Rabi ul-Awwal, or Rabi al-Awwal, also confirms the celebration date of Prophet Mohammed’s birthday. The occasion, also known as Eid-e-Mild or Eid Milad-un-Nabi or Mawlid, will be celebrated on November 10 this year. Prophet Mohammed’s birthday is celebrated by a section of Muslims on 12 Rabi ul-Awwal.
Under the Islamic lunar calendar, a new month begins upon the sighting of a crescent moon on the 29th day of the ongoing month. If the moon is not sighted on the 29th day, the month completes 30 days and a new month begins the next day. However, since the moon was sighted on October 29, the new month of Rabi ul-Awwal will begin from October 30.
In Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries, the moon was sighted a day earlier on October 28. Therefore, in those countries, Muslims will celebrate Prophet Mohammed’s birthday on November 9. Rabi ul-Awwal month began from October 29 in these countries.
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