Mush may axe Aziz over CJ crisis
Mush may axe Aziz over CJ crisis
The axe may fall on Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz for forwarding allegations against Iftikar Muhammad Chauhdry.

Islamabad: As President Pervez Musharraf deftly distanced himself from the move to suspend the Chief Justice, putting the onus on the government in the face of nationwide protests, speculation is rife that the axe may fall on Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz for forwarding allegations against Iftikar Muhammad Chauhdry.

Facing the biggest crises of his nearly eight-year rule, the General yesterday said at a rally in Punjab that the reference was prepared by the government against the Chief Justice and he was bound under Constitution to refer it to the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC).

Asserting that he only acted upon the advice of the government on the issue, Musharraf regretted the impression created by the vested interests against him.

He said it was his legal and constitutional duty to take action on the reference filed by the government and accused his detractors of hatching a conspiracy against him and Pakistan.

Musharraf's assertions that he was merely performing a Constitutional duty in forwarding the reference prepared by the government sparked off speculation that if it comes to the crunch, he could axe Aziz, the former Vice President of the City Bank turned politician.

Before that happens Aziz could save himself by removing Law Minister Wasi Zafar who is being blamed for accentuating the crisis for the government with his alleged abusive behaviour and threats to some of the journalists and opposition leaders during chat shows on radio and TV channels.

Zafar too appeared much mellowed during the past few days and in fact apologised to journalist of The News, Ansar Abbasi whom he reportedly threatened.

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