Meet this MBA student who polishes shoes as well
Meet this MBA student who polishes shoes as well
Meet Salish Sultan sitting on a busy street offering to polish shoes for measly Rs five.

New Delhi: Think MBA, think a fat salary and plenty of job offers but some management students are now thinking out of the box.

Meet Salish Sultan sitting on a busy street offering to polish shoes for measly Rs five. And here he is again wondering if he's the same person?

The answer is yes, the 24-year-old is pursuing an MBA in Sales and Marketing from the Sadhana Centre for Management & Leadership Development in Pune.

As part of the curriculum at Salish's institute every student has to spend 20 hours in a trimester doing community work.

Sultan says, “Rickshawalas have to pull the rickshaw for one kilometer in this weather to earn Rs 10 even shoe shiners. All these people have to work so hard to earn a living. What's the point of doing management if you don't understand people and their problems.”

Like Salish, Rogis too likes to step into other people's shoes. A former student of the same college Rogis helps out the local tea stall owner whenever he gets some free time. An IT consultant by profession this 25 year old says that working as a tea seller relaxes him.

“I do this work out of my own choice. No body forces me to do it and I don't have to meet any deadlines, “ says Rojis.

Whether it's shoe shining, selling tea or pulling rickshaws - students from the Sandhya School of Management believe in putting themselves in that position to understand how difficult it is to earn a living in this country.

The idea is to re-invent management and make it more meaningful to life.

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