CHENNAI: While all the sitting judges of the Supreme Court, who participated in the sesquicentennial celebrations of the Madras High Court on Saturday recalled its glorious past and expressed pride in heading it at one point of time or another, Justice H L Gokhale stood apart.“Just prior to my joining here as the Chief Justice, the High Court had gone through a difficult time,’’ Justice Gokhale said, referring to the advocate-police clash that took place on February 19, 2009 and the violent incidents and boycott of courts. His first task was to see that the courts function smoothly again. He recalled the various steps taken by him to bring normalcy. He fulfilled the long pending demand of erecting the statue of Dr B R Ambedkar on April 25, 2010. On this occasion too, ugly incidents occurred in front of the then CM M Karunanidhi and the then CJI KG Balakrishnan. He said, having gone through all these experiences, one thing I have learnt that the Madras HC has a very strong bar which is conscious of its rights.’’
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