Homeopathy, the alternative health remedy
Homeopathy, the alternative health remedy
BANGALORE: Homeopathy is the worlds second-largest widely practised system of medicine, according to World Health Organisation (W..

BANGALORE: Homeopathy is the world’s second-largest widely practised system of medicine, according to World Health Organisation (WHO). It is also the world’s only non-toxic system of medicine. It can be customised or personalised, because everyone is as unique as fingerprints and respond or react to illnesses differently. Dr Mukesh Batra, a Homeopathic physician talks to City Express about his new book Healing with Homeopathy.After a gap of 13 years, Dr Batra has come out with his fourth book. Out of his tight schedule, he has managed to cull out and present 40 years of clinical experience in the best, easy-to-read format, with his new book. He says, “The book is a utility tool. A ready reckoner, which anyone can use in the comfort of their homes. It also celebrates the idea that the simplest of cures are often the best of cures.”The first seeds for the book were sown two years ago. The manuscript went through a lot of drafts and revisions.  The book can really help people, when medical expenses are so steep and expensive. The book also empowers people with simple, holistic homeopathic remedies to manage common ailments and avoid long hospital stays or queing up at clinics.Homeopathy is today the preferred choice in acute and chronic disorders. It treats acute diseases without suppressing the symptoms, and chronic diseases from the ‘root.’ It is also most effective for functional disorders, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), insomnia (sleeplessness) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), aside from allergies, asthma, depression, and chronic skin disorders, among others. Homeopathy can play a complementary (adjuvant) role in the treatment of some incurable diseases too. However, he mentions that Homeopathy does not have cure for all types of disease, such as heart attack, stroke, congenital and mechanical disorders like hernia.Dr Batra adds, “The ‘root cause’ of disease is susceptibility. Let me give you an example. We are all exposed to infections in the air. You dread to see someone sneezing in a crowded place. As millions of viruses are sprayed into the air, you generally think you will catch the infection, a bad cold.  However, in reality, just one or two may become ill — not dozens of others who were around. This is susceptibility.”The mind, soul and body relates to each other. Dr Batra elaborates, “Homeopathy believes that positive health is harmonious ‘balance’ of mind, body and soul. It suggests that there is generally a psychosomatic pining for illnesses. Let me illustrate. Asthma is often the outcome of psychological stress. There was a case of this child who used to get asthma attacks the moment his father, a businessman, would leave home and travel abroad — a result of separation anxiety. The homeopathic medicine, magnesium carbonica, is effective in treating such emotional triggers, or cause.”Climate has been changing very abruptly, so the sudden change of weather can ‘activate’ certain illnesses. Dr Batra advises, “The best thing to do is to avoid sudden changes — such as having a cold shower after being out in the sun for too long, or getting exposed to cold after being in a warm room, or gulping down a glass or two of ice-cold water following a strenuous workout or sport.” The best part is homeopathy is equally useful in treating people’s susceptibility to weather changes. A constitutional homeopathic remedy is often prescribed to help such individuals tide over ‘weather blues.’He says the key to a healthy life is simple living and high thinking. Simple living connects to eating well, sleeping well and regular exercise. High thinking relates to peace of mind and mental relaxation.Dr Batra aims to publish at least a book a year, not just on homeopathy, but also in the motivational, inspirational or life-changing genre.

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