Home and you: Ying-Yanging your home
Home and you: Ying-Yanging your home
Steer your life and luck towards more prosperous directions!

Your finances are running haywire, your marriage is close to a break down and everything else that could go wrong is going wrong. You have consulted finance advisors and marriage counsellors, but nothing seems to be working and you are on the verge of calling it quits. But wait! There is a solution... all you need to do rearrange your furniture according to Feng Shui.

Feng Shui works in harmony with nature. So when your home is arranged according to it, it improves your luck and fortune as well.

Pune-based Feng Shui consultant, Manish Potdar gives you some basic Feng Shui furniture arrangement advice.

Bedroom tales

  • For increased properity, place the bed in the south-west direction.
  • The bedroom is one of the most important places in the house. It is where you relax and rejuvenate your energy. It is extremely important for the energies in the bedroom to be in harmony with nature. The most important piece in the room is the bed. Placing it in the south-west or south direction is said to increase prosperity. Never sleep with your head lying under a window or with your legs facing a door as this will prevent the energy from draining out.
  • The dressing table should be placed in the north or the east.
  • Make sure that the mirror in your room does not reflect the bed while you are sleeping. In case it does, cover it up with a cloth or curtain, while you lie on the bed.
  • The study table should be placed in the east.

Ideally, don't keep electronic items like the television, music system and computer in the bedroom. In case you don't have a choice, you can put any electronics in the south-east direction.


Your social chamber

Your drawing room is where you entertain friends and spend time with family. Everyone who comes together needs to feel the good vibrations and get comfortable in your humble abode.

Make sure everyone enjoys the dining area or room as much as they enjoy the scrumptious meal. The main element of this room is the dining table and it should be placed towards the north, east or west of the room.

The chairs should not block the way to any exit or entry. Side tables and cabinets can be placed anywhere. But again, make sure they don't block an entry or exit, and are kept at a distance from the wall.



  • The fridge should be placed in the north or north-west position and stove in the south-east direction.
  • The kitchen is the heart of a house and it symbolises health and prosperity. Ideally, the entrance to the kitchen should be in a position where the cook can see anyone who comes in or leaves, without having to turn back. If this can't be helped, simply place a mirror behind the stove area, so that the cook can see through it and is not taken by surprise when someone enters the kitchen. So give Feng Shui a chance... steer your life and luck towards more prosperous directions.

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