Having Frequent Headaches? You May Be Missing Out on These Nutrients
Having Frequent Headaches? You May Be Missing Out on These Nutrients
Making sure that your body gets enough of these nutrients can prevent you from getting headaches.

Headaches are an ailment that spares no one, whether young or old, healthy or unhealthy. We are all prone to headaches once in a while, some having it more often than others. While trying to avoid headaches or cure them, we may ponder over the question, what causes headaches.

While answering this, it is prudent to understand that lack of certain nutrients and vitamins in the body can give rise to headaches. Making sure that your body gets enough of these nutrients can prevent you from getting headaches in the long run.

Vitamin D is an element that is essential for the body. Low Vitamin D has been linked to headaches and correlated with migraines as well. Sunlight is the best-known source of Vitamin D. When your skin is exposed to sunshine, cholesterol is converted to vitamin D.

UVB photons from the sun strike cholesterol in skin cells, giving the energy needed for vitamin D synthesis. Vitamin D serves a variety of functions in the body and is necessary for good health, apart from preventing headaches. Doctors advise you to make sure you go out in the sun for a while during the day.

According to the National Institutes of Health, adults between the ages of 19 and 70 should receive 600 IU of Vitamin D. A person over the age of 71 needs 800 IU of Vitamin D. In case of sun exposure, fish, dairy products, orange-black lentils and vitamin D supplements can be taken as well.

Low magnesium levels in the body can also lead to headaches. This mineral helps the body regulate nerve and muscle function. It maintains blood pressure levels. Fatigue, headache, loss of appetite, nausea, muscle cramps, tingling, and muscle spasms are all signs of magnesium deficiency.

It is okay to take magnesium supplements to regulate its content in your body. Leafy vegetables, milk, and yoghurt are good for magnesium growth in the body. It is better to include these in your diet.

Lack of adequate water in the body can also cause headaches. Dehydration in particular causes headaches. Drinking water flushes out toxins in the body. So start drinking a bit more water.

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