Blacklist erring contractors, demand corporators
Blacklist erring contractors, demand corporators
Grievances pertaining to sanitation, street lights, lifting of debris, desilting of nalas, fogging operations, laying of..

HYDERABAD:  Mayor Mohd. Majid Hussain and Commissioner MT Krishna Babu on Thursday directed officials to immediately take up works sanctioned in February. They held a review meeting with corporators of Central Zone on development activities at the GHMC head-office.The corportors complained that though works had been sanctioned, nothing moved on the ground prompting the mayor and the commissioner to direct the officials to act against contractors and sort out the issue.The corporators went a step further and demanded that erring contractors be blacklisted.The corporators were also miffed with executive engineers and demanded that the latter be told to adhere to protocol and inform them whenever works were taken up in their wards.Among the other grievances they brought to the notice of the mayor were issues pertaining to sanitation, street lights, lifting of debris, desilting of nalas, fogging operations, laying of roads, sweeping, dog and monkey menace and others.Most of the corporators also pointed out that only one assistant engineer was looking after works in the fifth division and sought more man power to expedite the works.The corporators thanked the mayor and commissioner for holding a meeting with them and appreciated the move, a first of its kind.The mayor said Zonal level meetings will be conducted every three months and further directed the Zonal Commissioners to arrange such meetings at the circle level too with Deputy Municipal Commissioners and concerned area corporators once every month.The Commissioner too directed the officials to conduct Ward Committee meetings regularly along with local residents’ welfare associations and involve all stakeholders in civic works.

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