Why This 400-Year-Old Well In Andhra Pradesh Is A Blessing For Local Cattle Herders
Why This 400-Year-Old Well In Andhra Pradesh Is A Blessing For Local Cattle Herders
With a depth of around 50 feet, Subbanna well consistently supplies water, even during dry seasons.

Herders have a long-standing tradition of taking their cattle to graze in the forests. While food is abundant for the animals in the forest, satisfying their thirst poses a challenge. Do you know there is a famous well in a forest in Andhra Pradesh that has been quenching the thirst of animals for over four centuries? Located in the Erraguntla forest of Prakasam District, Subbanna well is primarily used by sheep and goat herders. These herders rely on Subbanna well, which has gained prominence for centuries for quenching the thirst of cattle.

Amid water scarcity within the forested area, this well has become an invaluable asset for herders. With a depth of around 50 feet, the well consistently supplies water, even during dry seasons. Cattle owners in the region regard Subbanna well as an enduring and limitless source of sustenance for their animals. Hailed as a vital water source for animals, all cattle owners bring their livestock to this well to quench their thirst.

An unfortunate incident occurred in the past, resulting in the death of over 20 sheep due to the malicious actions of certain individuals. This distressing event unfolded when a water tank was installed adjacent to the well to facilitate the drinking water supply for the cattle. Regrettably, miscreants tampered with the water tank by adding harmful chemicals, leading to the tragic demise of the sheep.

Regardless of the unfortunate incident, cattle owners have consistently praised the exceptional quality of Subbanna Well’s water, describing it as sweet and refreshing. This well has garnered special recognition for its ability to quench the thirst of livestock in the surrounding forest. Even after 400 years, this well continues to serve as a reliable source of drinking water.

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