What Is “Wife Material”? All Your Questions Answered
What Is “Wife Material”? All Your Questions Answered
You’re chatting with a friend about your girlfriend when they say, “Dude! She’s total wife material!” Huh? What does that even mean? Wife material is a popular term for an ideal female partner in heterosexual relationships. So, what does it say about your girlfriend? Keep reading to learn all about wife material and know if your SO fits into the mold.
Things You Should Know
  • If a woman is “wife material,” society views her as an ideal partner or companion.
  • She’s likely “wife material” if she accepts you for you, is independent, and values spending time with you.
  • Some women may take offence to being called “wife material” because they associate the term with patriarchal standards.

What is wife material?

“Wife material” describes a woman with the qualities to be a good wife. Also referred to as “wifey material,” a woman is “wife material” if she has the ideal qualities someone is looking for in a lifelong partner. Perhaps she knows how to cook or is always there to listen. Either way, if someone says their girlfriend or crush is “wife material,” they believe she’d be the perfect wife. Keep in mind that “wife material” is a trendy pop culture term used to describe an ideal partner in a heterosexual relationship; it isn't definitive. Your “wife material” can be different from your friend’s “wife material.” Everyone has different partner preferences. Know that not every woman aspires to be wife material, and that’s okay! Women are more than their wifely duties—they’re individuals first and foremost.

Signs She’s Wife Material

She accepts you as you are. First and foremost, she’s wife material if she loves you for you. She doesn’t need you to change or turn into someone else—you’re perfect as you are! If she can accept all your flaws and imperfections, she’s totally marriage material.

She gets along well with your family and friends. If your mom is her best friend, she’s definitely wife material! She gets along with practically everyone and wants to be involved in your social circle. If your friends and family get along with her too, that’s an even bigger sign to put a ring on it.

She’s always there for you. Through sickness and health, she’ll be by your side no matter what. She’s always by your side and willing to lend a helping hand. If you need a shoulder to cry on, she’s there. If you need to talk through a difficult discussion, she’s there with no strings attached.

She’s independent. A woman who’s financially and emotionally independent is the total package. If she knows how to handle herself, she’s wife material. She doesn’t need you to lean on—she has her own back. Her confidence in herself makes her an ideal partner and companion.

She challenges you to be the best version of yourself. She’s wife material if she pushes you to be better. She wants to see you succeed and achieve all your dreams. She may urge you to step out of your comfort zone, and you love her for it.

She’s your equal. At the end of the day, you both love each other equally. There isn’t a ladder of superiority—you’re side by side no matter what! You both see one another as equal partners and respect each other’s boundaries.

She knows when to step back. A woman who’s wife material is willing to give you space when you need it. She doesn’t need to be with you 24/7 to feel worthy of her love. She needs her space, and she’s more than happy to give you yours.

She’s a good communicator and listener. If she’s always down to have a conversation, she’s wifey material. She’s not afraid to show her emotions or open up to you and expects the same in return. She won’t put you down or make you feel small. She’s always there to listen and offer advice if you ask for it.

She shows an interest in your interests. Even if she’s not into sports, she’ll still show up to a game to support your favorite team. She wants to be a part of your life, and showing a genuine interest in what you like (even if she doesn’t like it) is a sign that she’s willing to make sacrifices in the relationship.

She lets you make your own decisions. A woman who’s wife material doesn’t nag at you 24/7. She’ll let you make your own choices (even if she knows they’re the wrong ones). She understands that you need to make your own mistakes and learn from them—she’s just along for the ride.

She’s confident and compassionate. A strong woman is total wife material. If she’s confident in her skin and has a heart of gold, she’s a keeper! Her confidence and kind nature make her an ideal partner. After all, if she can deal with your shenanigans, she can deal with anything!

She enjoys your company. You’re the only person she’ll ever need. She’s wife material if you both value your time together. This doesn’t mean she’ll sacrifice time with her friends to hang with you, but she is just as content to sit on the couch and talk with you.

She’s faithful to you. A woman whose wife material won’t go behind your back. Her eyes are only set on you—you’re all she could ever need! Cheating isn’t a worry with her because you know each other inside and out.

She tolerates your quirks. Your quirks don’t matter to her—she loves you just as you are. She may roll her eyes or laugh at your silliness, but your awkwardness is just another reason for her to love you. Simply put, she’s patient with you.

She shares similar values as you. You can talk to her about anything, and she’ll just get it—you support each other’s opinions. If you share the same core values and ideals, she’s total wifey material.

She gives you second chances. Your mistakes aren’t the end of the world if she’s wife material. She loves you despite your wrongdoings. While she may get upset, her love for you will persevere even when you mess up.

Is being wife material a compliment?

Depending on who you ask, being "wife material" could be good or bad. The concept of “wife material” is based on patriarchal stereotypes around a wife staying home to clean, cook, and watch the kids. Some women may be offended by the phrase because of this, believing they’re more than a stereotypical housewife or reward for men. On the other hand, some women may take pride in being wife material because it means society views them as a worthy partner. With this phrase being rather controversial, use it with caution. Avoid calling a woman “wife material” if you don’t know her or her values well. What you mean as a compliment may hurt her feelings.

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