What Does It Mean to Dream About Being Kidnapped? 13 Interpretations
What Does It Mean to Dream About Being Kidnapped? 13 Interpretations
Someone binds your wrists together and shoves you into the back of a dark van…then your alarm clock jolts you awake. Whew, it was just a dream! Kidnapping dreams might be vivid and intense, but they can also help you understand your hidden feelings and desires. To help you get to the bottom of things, we’re providing 13 reasons why you might dream about being kidnapped, whether you’re captured by an ex, stranger, or loved one.
Things You Should Know
  • Dreaming about being kidnapped and escaping could mean someone is trying to manipulate you.
  • A dream about being kidnapped and held hostage may indicate that you feel trapped in waking life.
  • If you dream about being kidnapped and tortured, it might be a sign that you’re stressed and overwhelmed.

You’re feeling manipulated.

Being kidnapped and escaping may mean someone is trying to control you. One of the most common reasons behind a kidnapping dream is feeling like someone else has authority over you. Dreams tell you things that your subconscious mind might not pick up on, so this could be a sign to limit your interactions with your kidnapper so you can regain control over your life. If you suspect someone is manipulating you, create boundaries in your relationship and state them clearly. If you have a controlling colleague, for example, you can set limits on your availability and say, “I’m only working on this assignment with you for one hour.”

You feel trapped.

Being kidnapped and held hostage may mean you feel stagnant in real life. Whether you’re trapped in your career, relationship, or a daily routine, a kidnapping dream often symbolizes feelings of being stuck and helpless. You might be unsure of how to move forward in your life, and this could prevent you from reaching your full potential. To free yourself from people and situations that no longer serve you, work on setting healthy boundaries in your life. You could request time off from work to prevent burnout, or limit your interactions with people who make you feel bad about yourself. To overcome stagnancy and achieve your full potential, write down specific goals for yourself, and create a checklist of tasks that will help you reach them. For example, if you want to move to a new city, you could connect with someone you know who lives there and take a trip there to scout apartments and jobs.

You’re internalizing your feelings.

Being kidnapped could be a spiritual sign to accept your emotions. Kidnapping dreams often represent your emotions in reality, especially if you’re ignoring issues in your personal or professional life. When you suppress your emotions, they build up over time, causing you more stress, insecurity, and anxiety in the long run. A kidnapping dream could be a sign from the Universe to acknowledge your emotions so you can heal and move forward. Try writing down how you feel in a journal every day to start processing and dealing with your emotions.

You’re on the wrong path.

Being kidnapped may be a spiritual sign to evaluate your relationships. If you’re hanging around people who are bad influences, a kidnapping dream could indicate that you’re heading toward a sinful path. Kidnapping is associated with spiritual bondage in the Bible, so your dream might be telling you to reflect on your choices and watch the company you keep. You can recognize bad friendships by thinking about who makes you feel used, guilty, or stressed. If someone keeps pressuring you to do things that you aren’t comfortable with, limit your interactions with them and leave situations that might put you in danger. If you want to end your relationship with them, be direct and unapologetic. You might say, “This friendship isn’t working out for me. It doesn’t seem like we have anything in common.”

You’re overwhelmed.

Being kidnapped and tortured might mean you’re stressed in waking life. If you have a long list of things to accomplish during the day, your stress and worries may translate into your dreams. This kidnapping dream suggests that you feel overwhelmed by everything that’s happening in your life, so interpret it as a sign to tackle your tasks one at a time. If you’re struggling to finish all your work, focus on using your time productively. List your tasks in order of importance, and set a timer for each one so you can motivate yourself to finish them on time. If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, try to calm yourself down before starting a task. Go for a quick 10-minute walk outside to clear your head, or clean up your workspace to feel more productive and organized.

You’re dealing with trauma.

Nightmares about being kidnapped may be a sign that you have PTSD. If you’ve recently experienced a stressful event, you might dream about being kidnapped for weeks, months, or even years afterward. This is a perfectly normal response to trauma, but you could keep having these dreams until you figure out how to process your emotions and move forward in your life. To overcome kidnapping nightmares, try using image rehearsal therapy: write down your dream in detail, rewrite any negative parts into positive ones, then imagine the new storyline during the day. Restructuring your nightmare can help you “train” your brain to eliminate any disturbing dreams. After a traumatic event, be kind to yourself and remember that you don’t need to heal from trauma alone—get support from a trusted friend, family member, or a therapist, and talk to them about your feelings and experiences.

You’ve lost control of your life.

Being kidnapped by a stranger might mean you feel powerless. Maybe you’re suppressing your emotions about things that are bothering you, or you feel like someone is controlling you. These feelings can make you feel like a hostage in waking life, so you might dream about it as a kidnapping or abduction. To be in control of your life, reflect on what (or who) is making you feel helpless. Limit your exposure to them, if possible, or find ways to work around the situation. For example, if your friend keeps making you late to events, you could stop offering them a ride, or pick them up 20 minutes earlier. Remember, you have the power to take charge of your life, so focus on the things that you can control. Surround yourself with people who make you feel uplifted, set aside time to do the things you love, and don’t forget to express gratitude every day!

You’re not over your ex.

Being kidnapped by an ex may indicate that you still love them. If you recently broke up with someone, your dreams might be telling you that you have lingering feelings for them. Whether your breakup was mutual or one-sided, you still feel romantically attached to your ex, and your dreams are a way to help you process your emotions. If you didn’t get closure from your ex, interpret your dream as a sign to move forward in the healing process. Talk about your experience to someone you trust, and find ways to connect to people who make you feel good—you might join a local club or organization, or participate in a support group. If you want to get your ex back, ask them if they want to hang out casually first. You could invite them to mini-golf or a movie night with some friends, then slowly introduce the topic of rekindling your relationship.

You’re feeling insecure.

Being kidnapped may mean you feel unworthy in your relationship. If you have recurring dreams about being kidnapped, you might be feeling insecure about your love life. Maybe you don’t feel good enough for your partner, or you worry about letting them down. Regardless of your insecurities, your dream could be a sign to work on building your self-esteem. To improve your self-esteem, reflect on your best qualities, and write down 3 things that you love about yourself. Repeat them out loud every single day to remind yourself that you’re worthy and beautiful!

You have trust issues.

A kidnapping dream might mean you're scared to be vulnerable. If you dream about being kidnapped by someone you know, it could reflect your fear of being hurt by others. You could be worried about someone betraying you or taking advantage of you, and your anxiety around their behavior is disrupting your sleep. Even if you’ve been hurt in the past, don’t let those experiences define your future relationships. Find trustworthy people by getting to know them slowly, and let yourself be vulnerable in small, safe ways. You could share an unpopular opinion you have, or tell them about one of your childhood dreams. To build trust in your relationship, be honest with the other person if something is bothering you, and use “I” statements to express your emotions. For instance, you could say, “I feel anxious when you ignore my calls without texting me why. Can you at least text me when you’re free next time?”

You're worried about a loved one.

If you dream about a loved one being kidnapped, you may fear losing them. A kidnapping dream about your child, family member, or spouse indicates your concerns about their well-being. Even if certain things are out of your control, you can protect your loved ones to the best of your abilities by checking in on them regularly and offering them support. If your loved one is going through a stressful situation, your dreams could also be a sign to reach out to them directly. Some people don’t feel comfortable asking others for help, so consider texting them first to see if they’re okay, or offer to run an errand on their behalf. If you’re worried about your child’s safety, you could teach them how to interact with strangers or cross the street without a grown up. That way, they know specific strategies to use in potentially dangerous situations.

You’re taking your partner for granted.

If your partner is kidnapped in your dream, you might be neglecting them. If you’ve been dating someone for a while, this dream could be a sign that you’re too comfortable in your relationship. Pay attention to your partner, and find thoughtful ways to show them your appreciation. Show love to your partner by being attentive to their wants and needs. If they’re more stressed than usual, offer to make them dinner, run an errand on their behalf, or tell them that they’re doing amazing!

You want to gain control over a situation.

If you dream about kidnapping someone, it could mean you crave power. If you’ve been hurt or abused by someone, dreaming about kidnapping them could be a way for you to reclaim your power. Since a kidnapper has control over a hostage, your dreams are a form of wish fulfillment—you’re no longer a victim, but the most powerful person in the situation. To feel powerful, use direct statements when you speak to others and voice your opinions if you don’t agree with something. If someone is being rude to you, you might say, “I don’t appreciate your remarks.” Being assertive can give you more authority and boost your confidence!

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