How to Work in Area 51
How to Work in Area 51
When most people think of Area 51, they imagine crash-landed flying saucers being dug out of craters and scientists running tests on extraterrestrial life forms in underground bunkers. The truth is that the top-secret base in the Nevada desert really does exist, but it’s used to carry out sensitive military research, not government cover-ups. While there’s no authoritative guide on how to get a job at Area 51, one thing is clear—you must be a U.S. citizen with an impressive knowledge of aeronautics and be hand-picked specifically by the CIA. Most of the workers stationed at Area 51 are engineers, test pilots, and military personnel chosen for their clean backgrounds and experience with high-stakes projects.

Meeting the Basic Requirements

Be an American citizen. One of the only clear criteria for working at Area 51 is that you hold citizenship status in the U.S. Since the base is run by the U.S. military, outsiders are considered a security risk. Your birth certificate or a valid passport can serve as proof of citizenship. This doesn’t necessarily mean you’re ineligible if you weren’t born in the United States. You can still become an American citizen by filing for citizenship and receiving your certificate of naturalization.

Make sure you have a clean record. Set your sights on becoming a model citizen and start doing everything by the book. Prospective employees are thoroughly vetted before they’re allowed to lay eyes on Area 51. Since there’s such a high level of secrecy involved, it will be important for you to have a spotless background in order to even be considered. You’ll be subjected to a series of exhaustive background checks before you ever receive an invitation to work at the base. Do your best to say out of trouble. Even minor offenses like traffic violations or probation may be grounds for disqualification.

Serve in the military. Once you’ve enlisted, begin working your way up the ranks. Many of the higher-ups at Area 51 are former military personnel. The Air Force and Navy in particular are prime sources for recruitment, as both branches tend to produce ace pilots experienced in flying high-pressure missions. Historically, much of the research and testing at Area 51 has centered around experimental aircraft, which means there’s a need for tight-lipped test pilots.

Move to the Nevada area. Though it’s exact location is classified, it’s common knowledge that Area 51 lies somewhere deep in the high desert of Nevada. Relocating to the Southwest may therefore be in your best interest if it’s your goal to someday work at the secret installation. It’s unknown how and where the base’s directors select their staff, but you may have a better chance of being stationed there if you live nearby. Multiple ex-Area 51 employees have gone on record saying they were based in the Las Vegas area while under contract.

Gaining the Necessary Expertise

Specialize in aeronautics. Find a job as a pilot, engineer, or technician working on planes. As mentioned, the work carried out at Area 51 focuses on developing and testing new aircraft for secret government assignments. The more experience you have in flight industry, the better your chances of being singled out. Look for flight mechanic programs. These credentials may give you a leg up when it comes time to narrow down promising recruits. If your interests are geared more toward science and mathematics, go to college and earn your degree in aeronautics engineering.

Advance to the top of your field. The U.S. military only looks at the best of the best to staff highly sensitive sites like Area 51. You’re unlikely to be considered for such an important position if you’re a low-ranking officer or part-timer. In order to be considered as a candidate, you’ll need to have distinguished yourself in your professional or military career. Make an effort to learn everything you can about emerging flight technology, and especially its role in military operations.

Apply to work for JT3. JT3 is an organization made up of joint contractors who provide engineering support for the U.S. military. Their territory includes 4 of the major Navy and Air Force test sites in the American Southwest. Area 51 supervisors have frequently been known to hire out JT3 contractors for various projects, which suggests a link between the two entities. This may be the closest you can get to putting in a bid to work at Area 51. Even if you manage to get hired by JT3, there’s no guarantee that you’ll be assigned to Area 51, as the company also has headquarters in surrounding parts of Nevada, Southern California, and Utah.

Get recruited by the CIA. There’s not much you can do to improve your chances of being chosen, but it’s a must if there’s any hope of seeing Area 51 from the inside. It will help to have an immaculate record, experience working with a notable employer in the world of aeronautics, and the ability to be discreet about your work. You don’t seek out a career with the CIA—they come looking for you. Past involvement in projects dealing with classified materials or high-level security clearance may work in your favor.

Proving Yourself Trustworthy

Obtain your classified security clearance. After you’ve been approved for clearance, the site’s security directors will issue you the documentation you need to come and go freely. This may be a badge, key card, or similar form of ID listing your information and position at the base. It’s vital that you keep all necessary security passes on you at all times while on the premises. Area 51 is a highly restricted area. No one without the proper clearance is permitted anywhere near the grounds. Even as an official employee, your access to the network of facilities may be limited, depending on your rank and level of clearance.

Sign a nondisclosure agreement. As one of the final steps to becoming an Area 51 operative, you’ll be asked to fill out a series of forms requesting complete silence and cooperation. This step is non-negotiable. They say that you agree to keep all mention of what goes on at the base off the record. The only time it will be legal to openly discuss the details of a particular project is after they’ve been officially declassified by the government.

Keep what you see and hear under wraps. If you’re among the few who are fortunate enough to land a coveted contract at Area 51, secrecy will become your top priority. You won’t be allowed to discuss the nature of your work with anyone, not even your closest friends or family. However, you can take satisfaction in the knowledge that you’re serving the U.S. government, which is responsible for keeping the people of the country safe. There could be very serious legal repercussions for revealing delicate information about the types of projects taking place at the base. Because of the demands it places on your life both personally and professionally, working at Area 51 may not be for everyone.

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