How to Do the 2 Phone Call Prank
Go to a prank calling website. To make two phones call each other, use a website or app that will dial two numbers at the same time. There are a lot of options out there—some of the most popular include: Prank Hotline: Make up to 5 free calls, then purchase credits to make more calls or use premium features. PrankOwl: Use premium tokens to make two friends call each other. PrankDial.com: Use the website or app to get 2 calls for free, then buy premium tokens to make more calls.
Enter the two numbers that you want to call each other. To pull off this prank, you’ll need to know the phone numbers of both people you want to prank. Type them into the website or app, then send the call. Both phone numbers will receive a call that looks like it’s coming from the other number.
Listen to the call or record it to play back later. Once both people pick up the phone, you’ll be able to hear the call live, so you can enjoy the fun as it’s happening! Depending on where you live, you may also have the option to record the call so you can share it with friends later. On some apps, you won’t be able to hear the call until both of the other people hang up. You need to have the permission of everyone on the call to record a conversation in CA, CT, FL, IL, MA, MD, MI, MT, NH, NV, PA, or WA.
Tips for Keeping the Prank Fun (and Legal)
Choose friends who will think the prank is funny. Keep the call fun for everyone by only pranking friends with a great sense of humor. Don’t call businesses or people you don’t know, and don’t call anyone with the intention of harassing or annoying them—that could be illegal in some areas. Don't prank call someone because of their race, sexual orientation, disability status, or other protected characteristics. This could be considered a hate crime and may have more serious consequences. Only call during normal daytime hours. Calling late at night or very early in the morning (like after 9 p.m. or before 7 a.m.) could be considered harassment. Don’t call the same number repeatedly, and don’t call back if someone asks you not to. If you join in on the call, don’t use obscene or threatening language.
Never prank call emergency services. In most states, it’s illegal to prank call 911, and it could get you into serious legal trouble. And the consequences could be even more severe if you prevent someone from getting the emergency help they need because they can’t get through to 911 or first responders are dispatched as a result of your prank call.
Only record the call if it’s legal in your state. In some states, you only need the consent of one person to record the call—in that case, you can legally record as long as you stay on the call the whole time. In other states, it’s only legal to record a call if everyone involved has agreed to the recording. Since that would defeat the purpose of a prank, most websites won’t allow you to record if someone on the call lives in one of those states.
Reveal yourself as the prank caller. In some places, it’s illegal to call someone without saying who you are, especially if you’re calling to annoy or frighten the other person. To be safe—and to have a good laugh at the end of the call—let your friends know that you called them as a prank.
What’s the point of this prank? Making two phones call each other can be a funny way to confuse your friends. Both people’s phones will ring at the same time, and it will look like each called the other.
Is it illegal to make two phones call each other? It could be, depending on where you live. If you’re just calling friends, you probably won’t get in much trouble. But if you make repeated calls or the other person feels threatened, harassed, or frightened, it could turn into a legal issue. The consequences of making harassing phone calls could include fines or even jail time, depending on where you live and the seriousness of the crime.
How do I avoid getting caught? Your phone number won’t be shown if you use a prank call website. If you want to be extra secretive, you could use a burner phone to hide your phone number or a VPN to mask your ISP. But we recommend coming clean at the end of the call, so this probably isn’t necessary.
How do I choose the two people to prank? Pick two friends who will think it’s funny! It can be fun to call friends who are in the same room as each other, since they’ll both be confused when they see each others’ names pop up on the phone. Or you could call two people who don’t know each other very well, since they’ll be extra confused why they’re getting a call.
Where can I find more ideas for this prank? Most prank websites have recordings you can listen to—that can be a good source of ideas you can borrow. Or, check out videos other people have made on sites like TikTok and YouTube.
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