How to Move On After You Have Sinned
How to Move On After You Have Sinned
Sinning is part of being human, but the guilt that may follow could make you feel ashamed of your actions. This feeling is normal, but recognizing your sins and praying to God can help you feel forgiveness. When you admit to your actions and confront them head-on, you can go on to live a joyous life.

Seeking Repentance

Name the sins you committed. If you haven't confessed the sins that are making you feel guilty, pray to God and list them. You can pray out loud or to yourself. Do whatever feels the most natural to you. Even just recognizing your sins can help ease some of your guilty feelings. Ask God to reveal any additional sins you need to confess. Be open and honest while talking with Him.

Recognize that your actions were wrong. If you don't think what you did was wrong, then admitting that sin won't make you feel better. When you're confessing your sins, make sure you acknowledge that what you've done is against God's word. Commit to avoiding that sin, and ask God for the knowledge and power to recognize sinful acts in the future.

Ask the Lord to forgive you. Once you've confessed your sins and you believe in your heart that your actions were wrong, ask God for His forgiveness. Be fully open and vulnerable to Him to show that you have learned from your sins. Say something like, “God, I know what I've done is wrong. Please forgive me for my wrongful actions and help me to recognize them in the future.”

Accept God's forgiveness. God is all-powerful and your sins are forgiven in his eyes once you meaningfully confess them. Thank God for his eternal love and power, and trust that he will remove your guilt and sins. For example, say, “Thank you, Lord, for loving me unconditionally and forgiving me.” God will forgive your sins when you confess them, but you may still have consequences for your actions.

Read and meditate on the Word of God. Choose a time each day to open up your Bible and read a few passages of scripture. Once you're finished reading, take time to focus on what you've read without distraction. Apply the Word of God to your life and pray to ask Him to fully understand. Find a bible study online to read passages that are more easily applied to your life.

Go to church weekly. Go to service weekly so you can listen to your pastor speak and be in a community surrounded by other Christians. Stay focused on the sermon so you don't get distracted. It's okay to miss an occasional church service, but do your best to make it when you can. Get involved volunteering at church to stay Christ-minded.

Confronting Your Sins

Ask for forgiveness from anyone you affected with your sin. Approach the person or people that your sin affected and apologize to them for your actions. Make sure you make it clear that you know your actions were wrong and that you want to make things better. End the conversation by asking them to forgive you. People you've sinned against don't need to reconcile with you right away. Depending on what sinful actions you've done, it may take time for them to rebuild their trust. List examples of how you want to improve things after you've sinned. Talking to Someone You've Affected Take full accountability for your actions by saying something like, "I know I've done wrong to you, and I am fully responsible. Avoid placing the blame on them. Don't use phrases like, "If I've done something to offend you..." or, "Since you think I've done something wrong, I'm sorry." Instead, say, "I am responsible for my actions and I know that I've offended you."

Go to confession if you're Catholic. Reconciliation is done by visiting your local church and arranging a time with your priest. Visit the confessional and greet the priest by saying, “Bless me Father, for I have sinned.” List your sins since the last time you visited a confessional and talk with your priest. Your priest will give you your penance and absolution to free you of your sins. Call your local church to see when confessions are scheduled. Your priest may give you things to do to fully reconcile your sins with others.

Reject false guilt after you confess your sins. If you start having guilty feelings after you've asked for forgiveness, recognize them as false guilt from Satan. Ask the Lord to give you joy and to remove any of these false feelings so you can live free of sin.

Avoiding Future Sin

Find an accountability partner or mentor. Talk to a colleague or a pastor at your church about your sins and how you can prevent them. Have meetings or phone calls on a set schedule so you can hold each other accountable for your actions. If times get difficult and you're worried about sin, contact your mentor or partner immediately so they can help you through the situation. Exchange phone numbers and have frequent face-to-face meetings with one another so you don't feel the temptation to sin.

Keep your mind and body active in other activities. If you can, stay away from any activities that remind you of the sins you've committed. Find hobbies or events that you can attend with a group of friends that will keep you accountable and don't pressure you to sin. By staying away from sinful activities, you can avoid repeating any past mistakes. Get involved with church activities or community groups to keep your thoughts geared towards God.

Read scripture daily to stay connected to God. Pursue a bible study or devotional that helps you work through God's word. By actively staying Christ-minded, you can avoid sinful thoughts and activities. When you're finished, pray to God and ask Him to help you understand what you've read. Have a set time to read scripture so you can easily make it into a habit.

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