How to Make a Note into an Envelope
How to Make a Note into an Envelope
Here's a creative way to save paper: Instead of putting a note in an envelope, why not fold the note itself into an envelope? That way, there's no additional paper to tear open and throw out. Plus, by using sheets of paper with various designs on one side, you can make some pretty original origami envelopes!

Write your note.

Take a piece of notebook paper (any piece of paper) and write your note on the side that will be the interior of the envelope.

Position the paper.

Rotate your piece of paper so that the beginning of the note is to the right and the end of your note is to the left.

Make a triangle with the corners.

Fold in the top two corners so that they are in the middle. Don't make it too big - you want space at the bottom.

Fold up the bottom

The bottom edge should meet the edge of the triangle you made.

Fold up the bottom part in half again.

It should look somewhat like a newspaper hat now.

Fold a bottom side into the middle.

Fold the bottom corner of the triangle into the middle.

Fold the other bottom side to the middle.

Fold this one a little farther so that you can tuck it underneath other side.

Fold the pointy part down.

To make sure it stays down, attach a small piece of tape or a sticker to it. You can also use a paper clip to hold it down. Or, make sure enough of the "wings" overlap so that you can tuck one of them into the other and they'll stay that way, too. You're done! Give it to whomever you wrote the note to! (and make sure you teach them how to do it, so they can make one for you)

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