How to Gain Teaching Experience
How to Gain Teaching Experience
If your goal is to be a teacher, you know you need to gain experience to find a good job and to be an effective teacher. One of the best ways to gain experience is to make the most of your student teacher experience while you're still in school. You can also pursue professional opportunities like internships or Teach for America or take on volunteer positions to gain the experience you require.

Making the Most of Being a Student Teacher

Discuss finding a position with your college advisor. Often, the college or university where you're pursuing your degree will require you to work as a student teacher. For that reason, they will already have relationships with schools, and they will likely be able to assist you in finding your student teacher position. Have a specific position in mind when you go to talk to your advisor, including the grade and subject you'd like to teach.

Meet with the teacher and administrators ahead of time. Before your first day, get to know the teacher you'll be working with. Ask them about their teaching strategy and how they view your position in the classroom. You can also go over the syllabus together. Ask the teacher to show you around and to introduce you to the principal or other relevant administrators.

Observe your mentor closely. One of the main ways you can learn from your student teaching experience is by observation. Notice how the teacher interacts with the students, how they handle issues, and how they take different approaches to teaching different material. Take notes to refer back to later. Don't be afraid to ask questions after class about the teacher's methods. Most will be more than willing to explain them to you. For instance, maybe you'd like to know more about how they plan their lessons. Ask them to go through the process with you.

Pitch in without being asked. Your mentor will likely ask you to help in a variety of ways, but you should also take the initiative to jump in and help when you can. Organize the book shelf if it's getting out of hand or straighten up the room at the end of the day. While student teaching helps you gain experience, it's also your first real job as a professional. Even though you don't get paid, making a good impression can help you in the future when you need a reference.

Be receptive to feedback. Part of the student teaching experience is taking positive and negative feedback with grace. Then, use that feedback to make changes in the future. That's how you grow and learn as a teacher. Don't take negative feedback personally. Think objectively about it, and apply it to your teaching style. For instance, your mentor says, "Katie, I like that you helped with the students this afternoon, but you were a little abrupt with Roger. I know it's hard with so many students, but can you try to be a little kinder next time?" Take the comment with grace by saying, "You're right, I was. I'll try to do better next time."

Write down concrete details about your time as a student teacher. As time goes by, you'll forget the details, such as class size, the amount of time you spent teaching, and the subjects you taught. Having those details written down will help you when it comes time to apply for a job, as you can be more specific in your cover letter and interview.

Pursuing Professional Opportunities

Apply for a summer teaching internship. Many school districts offer internships over the summer, where you'll teach or help teach summer school to high school students. Applying for one of these internships can give you valuable experience in your field. Find these positions through job search engines such as Indeed or In addition to helping you gain experience, an internship gives you a foot in the door in that school district.

Work as a substitute teacher. Typically, the experience requirements are much lower for substitute teachers. You can establish yourself in a school district, while acquiring experience in the classroom at the same time. Look on the websites for your local school districts. They'll often list substitute teacher positions. You'll need certain qualifications, but they'll vary by school district. In some areas, you'll just need a high school diploma, while in others, you'll need a bachelor's degree. Other districts require full teacher credentials, or they may ask you to pass competency tests.

Apply to Teach for America. Teach for America is a program that solicits college graduates from any major to teach for 2 years in a low-income urban school. Because of the way it is set up, you don't need as much initial teaching experience as you might for other teaching jobs. However, it gives you 2 years of teaching experience to take to your next job. You can apply for teach for America at The application process includes filling out an application, conducting an interview, and giving a 5-minute sample teaching lesson.

Volunteer for the Peace Corps. One of the Peace Corps' main objectives is education. You can browse their open positions or even just ask to be sent where your skills are needed most. Either way, you can gain experience in education through a 2-year volunteer program. Many positions require a college degree, and your application will be stronger if you speak a foreign language, though some intensive language training will typically be provided. Apply at If you make it through the application process, you'll have an interview.

Take a semester abroad focused on teaching. Many study abroad programs offer teaching opportunities. For instance, you could travel to a developing country, where you teach English to students in a local school. These programs help you step outside your comfort zone and engage in teaching in ways you likely haven't done before. Plus, you'll likely learn about teaching styles in other countries. Contact your study abroad department at your university or talk to your advisor about study abroad opportunities.

Be a counselor at a summer camp. At summer camp, you'll be actively engaged in leading and mentoring students, whether you're teaching or not. Plus, many summer camps offer opportunities to teach things like crafts, outdoor skills, or other skills specific to the camp. Check for summer camps in your area, and look on their websites to see if they have applications available for counselors.

Volunteering to Gain Experience

Volunteer to work in a local school. Most schools desperately need volunteers, and they'll likely put you where you request to be. You may want to help out in a classroom once or twice a week, for instance, providing assistance to the main teacher. Call local schools to see if any of them are taking volunteers. Keep in mind that you'll likely need to go through a background check.

Serve at an organization for kids or teens. Your volunteer experience doesn't have to be in a school. Most employers will view any experience you have with kids in a positive light, and many organizations will provide opportunities for you to teach. For example, volunteer with Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, the Boys' and Girls' Club, the YMCA, or another youth organization. Ask if you can lead a class, such as teaching arts and crafts, to gain more valuable experience.

Coach a kids' sports team. Many kids' sports teams need coaches, particularly ones that are community-based rather than school-based. Volunteer to coach or be an assistant coach on one of these teams. Of course, it's best to pick a sport you know and enjoy, particularly with older kids.

Apply to teach courses through your parks and rec department. Many cities offer courses to the community at a low cost. They always need qualified teachers for these classes. You may not make much money, if any at all, but it can help you gain the valuable experience you need. Contact your city to see if they are in need of teachers. Have a particular subject or skill in mind. Most classes focus on hobbies like gardening, painting, or writing or skills like financial literacy or computer competency.

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