How to Be a More Flexible Gymnast
How to Be a More Flexible Gymnast
Gymnastics requires a very flexible body in order to complete tricks and advance to higher levels. To increase your flexibility, you should stretch every single day. Be sure to stretch your upper body, core and back, as well as your lower body. Create a stretching routine to ensure all your muscles get stretched each day.

Creating a Stretching Routine

Start out small. If you are a beginner in gymnastics, you need to build up your flexibility gradually over time. Begin in a way in which you feel most comfortable and slowly develop yourself one step at a time. Try some gentle stretches, such as the side stretch. Stand with your feet together and lace your fingers together. Raise your arms over your head and focus on lengthening your torso as well as your arms and legs. Gently lean to one side, and hold for 10 seconds. Return to the starting position then repeat on the other side. Stretch your legs by standing an arm's length away from a wall. Keep your arms straight and rest your hands on the wall, then bring one foot back, keeping it straight. Let your front knee bend and hold the stretch for 10 seconds. Return to the starting position then repeat with the opposite leg.

Remember to breathe. Sometimes people unknowingly hold their breath when stretching, but this is not a habit you want to create. Breathe deeply when you are stretching, and exhale on the more difficult movements. This will help you to concentrate, as well as get oxygen into your muscles.

Stretch all your major muscle groups. Aim to stretch your entire body each day rather than focusing on one particular area. Stretch your arms and upper body, your torso, back, and abdomen, as well as your lower body and legs.

Identify your strengths and weak spots. You may already be able to move certain muscles effectively, yet can do hardly anything in another area or on the opposite side. Practice where you need it and maintain the areas in which you are already flexible.

Stretch every single day. There is no set limit of time or specific day to stretch. You can do it when you wake up, go to sleep, or simply during commercial breaks when you're watching television. Just be sure to stretch each day, or you risk losing flexibility.

Seek "professional" help. If you know a friend who is practically a master gymnast, ask for tips on how to stay motivated and get them to work with you daily until you achieve your goals.

Stretching Your Upper Body

Do neck rolls. Gently tilt your head to one side then roll it down in a circular motion, sweeping from one side, toward your chest, and to the other side. Then roll your neck back so you are looking up at the ceiling or sky, and sweep it back to the starting position.

Try an arm-up rotator stretch. Do this stretch standing up, and stick your arm out with your forearm pointing up at a 90 degree angle. Hold a broomstick in your hand so that it rests behind your elbow. Use your other hand to pull the bottom of the broomstick forward.

Stretch your shoulders. It's important to stretch your shoulders and upper chest as a gymnast. Sit on the floor and put your arms behind you with your fingers facing the rear. Straighten your arms as you slide your hands away from your body. Hold for 30 seconds, then slowly walk your hands forward.

Loosen up your arm muscles. Put one arm behind your head and bend it at the elbow. Use your other arm to gently pull your elbow toward your head. Repeat on the other side.

Stretching Your Core and Back

Touch your toes. Stand straight up and keep your knees and legs straight. Bend over and touch your toes or the ground. Keep your back and neck straight, and bend at the waist. This stretches your back and legs as well.

Try a wall bridge. Stand a few feet away from the wall and place your hands on the wall behind your head by bending backward. Walk yourself down to the ground.

Do back-bends. Back bends stretch out your back muscles and help you become more flexible. Lay on your back and reach your arms over your head, placing your hands on the ground by your ears. Push your body up so that your weight is on both your hands and feet and your torso is in a bridge. Make sure to maintain the proper position as you do the back bend. You should hold your core tight, tuck your head into your chest, place your hands next to your ears, and have your legs parallel to one another.

Rock out your back. Lay on your back and bring your knees in toward your tummy. Hold your legs with your arms so that you are curled up in a ball. Rock back and forth to stretch your back muscles.

Do a seal stretch. Lay flat on your tummy then use your arms to hold your torso up. Tip your head back. This stretches your chest, abdominal, and back muscles. A snake or cobra stretch is another name for this pose. If that stretches your muscles too far, support your body with your elbows and forearms and work up to using your hands to support your weight.

Stretching Your Lower Body

Try a split stretch on each leg. This stretches out your hip flexors and legs. Start with one knee bent, with your foot on the floor, and the other leg stretched out behind you on the floor. Raise your arms above your head. To stretch further, lean back so the leg that was bent is now straight out in front of you, and the other leg is bent at the knee and rests under your body. Lean forward and stretch your arms in front of you. You can also bend your front leg, while keeping your back leg straight. Sit on the ground and reach forward to touch your toes.

Do a straddle stretch. Start by sitting on the ground with your legs spread out in front of you. Open your legs as wide as you can but keep your knees and legs straight. Keep your back straight and lean over to one side to touch your toes. Repeat on the other side. You can also reach out in front of you with your arms and try to touch the ground.

Attempt a pike stretch. Sit on the ground and stretch your legs out in front of you. Point your toes and keep your legs together. Reach over with your arms and touch your toes. Then, flex your feet, reach over and grab your toes, and try to pull your heels off the ground.

Do a butterfly stretch. Sit on the ground and bend your knees to the sides so that the bottoms of your feet are touching. Gently press down on your knees to stretch your hips. You can also lean over and reach your arms out in front of you so that they touch the floor.

Ask a partner to help you stretch. Ask a friend to help you stretch your legs. Lay on your back and lift one leg in the air, bringing it toward your body but keeping the leg straight. Have a friend push your leg gently toward your body. When it starts to hurt, push back against your friend's hands. Then, relax your muscles and your leg should stretch further. Repeat with the other leg.

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