Cool Boat Names
Pick a cool boat name so people know you’re a trendsetter. A super-cool boat name is a great way to show the maritime world you’re on the cutting edge and ready for adventure. Check out this list of hip names that tell the world you’re “Captain Awesome.” The Kraken Storm Chaser Great White Titan Opportunity Wayfarer Rogue Wave Majestic Megalodon Aquaholic Riptide Wanderlust Full Throttle Hydro Therapy Hammerhead Sea Phantom
Classic Boat Names
Go with a traditional name that shows pride in your vessel. Buying and owning the boat is a big deal. Show how seriously you take the time, money, and effort you put into owning your boat with a time-honored name from the list below. Coast Is Clear Golden Hour Soul Searching Amazing Grace Southern Belle Sunkissed Due South Beau Soleil Endless Summer Anchors Away Starfish Crosswinds La Dolce Vita Captain's Quarters Sunny Daze Ocean Breeze
Funny Boat Names
Give people the giggles as you leave them in your wake. Using a nautical pun in your boat name is a tried-and-true strategy that’s sure to get a laugh. Another option is to give it a name that makes a joke hinting at more adult humor…without using profanity. Check out one of these boat names to see if any make you laugh out loud. Ship-Faced Kids' Inheritance Hull Yeah Fin & Tonic Miss B-haven Dock-Topus 401K Nauti Buoy Seaduction American Buoy Feelin’ Nauti Sin or Swim Alimony B-Yacht’ch She Got the House Happy Hour Nacho Boat Who's the Loser Now, Dad? Breaking Wind
Clever Boat Names
Show your smarts with a clever boat name that grabs attention. When you own a boat, you’re part of a nautical community. Make a witty statement about your profession or a hobby to entertain other boat owners and tell them a little something about who you are. Take inspiration from this list of hobby- and career-related boat names. Floating Doc Liquid Asset Plane To Sea Power of Attorney Farfrumworken Knot On Call Stocks & Bonds Aye Doctor Water Cooler Defense Rests SeaQL Vitamin Sea ASCII and You Shall Sea Bone Doctor Boatox Exit Strategy
Unique Boat Names
Christen your dinghy with a name that’s like no other. There’s nothing that says you have to pick a name other people will immediately get. At the very least, it can be a great conversation starter to help you get to know other boaters at the dock. Choose a boat name that’s personal or completely unique, like those in the list below. Jester Flight Elysium Private World Scylla Chameleon The Last Laugh Oddity Eurydice Symbiotic Relationship Never Normal Incognito Twist of Fate Odysseus Multitudinous Seas The Alternative Star-crossed Pickle
Classy Boat Names
Choose a high-brow name that shows you have class. Stay classy and sophisticated with a boat name that references a goddess or powerful woman from history. Or choose a virtue that you associate with class and refinement. Take a look at the list below to see if anything feels right to you. Amphitrite Freya Athena Venus Aurora Brigid Shakti Hathor Serenity Destiny Constance Harmony Epiphany Euphoria Liberty Verity
Fishing Boat Names
Refer to your favorite pastime with the perfect name for your boat. Anglers are a different breed. They’re patient, adventurous, calm, and willing to try new things if it helps them catch their dinner. Lean into the lifestyle with a boat name that tells the world you’re exactly where you want to be. Fishy Business Night Trawler The Big Catch Baits Motel Fishful Thinking Reel Love Marlin Monroe Grim Reefer Reel Therapy Snapperologist Lady Kriller Sushi Hunter Fishing for Compliments Tuna Colada Fishcapades Fishin Impossible
Sailboat Names
Give your sailboat a name that matches your laid-back lifestyle. Many people associate sailboats with freedom and a relaxed, stress-free lifestyle. Embrace that independent feeling with a name that says life is just better when you’re on a boat. Second Wind Star Gazer Sail Away Wind Whisperer Sail Serenade Sail Away Nomad Sailing Sailor's Star Wind Breaker Blue Moon North Star Sunshine Breeze Good Vibes Only Summer Wind Wind Dancer Sail Me to the Moon
Yacht Boat Names
Pick a sophisticated name that’s perfect for the yacht life. Picture yourself on your yacht in the middle of a vast ocean, watching the most stunning sunset you’ve ever seen. There’s a glass of wine in your hand and soft rock playing in the background. Now, try out one of these names to capture that peaceful, easy feeling. Fortuna Infinity Aquaphile Dreamboat Castaway Polaris My Way Avalon Spirit Escape Wave Runner Andiamo Carpe Diem Dreamweaver Big Blue Last Call
Pop Culture-Inspired Boat Names
Take inspiration from your favorite book, song, movie, or TV show. Do you love pop culture as much as you love sailing the seven seas? If the answer is yes, choose a boat name that brings your 2 loves together. Here are a few options to help you pick something that salutes your passions. 20,000 Leagues Good Vibrations The Cod Father Sea-3PO Beach Buoys O Captain! My Captain! The Great Gatsea Bellatrix Kobayashi Maru Sweet Caroline Shortshank Redemption Smurfs Up Millenium Dolphin Changes in Latitude Buoyoncé Here Comes the Sun
Do all boats have female names?
No, you can name your boat anything you want. Boats traditionally have female names as a reference to a mother figure or protective goddess that keeps the ship and her crew safe during their voyage. It’s become less common to refer to ships as “she,” so feel free to name your boat the Floating Fred or Breezy Bruce if that’s what you like.
Do you need to use a prefix like USS?
You don’t have to have a ship prefix as part of your boat’s name. Historically, ship prefixes were used to identify the ship’s affiliation, purpose, or type of propulsion. They’re still used for large ships and in the military, but most private boat owners skip the prefix. Some common ship’s prefixes are: HMS – His/Her Majesty’s ship, most commonly associated with the British Royal Navy USS – United States Ship, designates currently commissioned U.S. Navy warships SS – Steamship RV – Research vessel
Boat Names to Avoid
Avoid words used for distress calls and ones that cause offense. It’s best to avoid any word or phrase that you might use to report an emergency or ask for assistance at sea. Some words to avoid are “mayday,” “pan-pan,” and “securite,” which are all ways to issue warnings or ask for help at sea. It may also be a good idea to stay away from names that reference famous shipwrecks like Titanic, Lusitania, Edmund Fitzgerald, and Andria Doria. Don’t use ethnic or racial slurs and profane language in your boat’s name.
Choose a name that’s no more than 2-3 words long. A shorter boat name makes it easier to clearly communicate over VHF radio while you’re at sea. A longer name might be confusing or difficult for the person on the other end of the transmission to make out if there’s static or interference. Also, when you register your boat, the vessel name may not be more than 33 characters long. Additionally, boat names must use the Latin alphabet and Arabic or Roman numerals.
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