Pakistan Registers 386 New Coronavirus Cases as Death Toll Rises to 86
Pakistan Registers 386 New Coronavirus Cases as Death Toll Rises to 86
The nation-wide breakdown of the patients showed that Punjab has 2,464 cases, Sindh 1,411, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa 697, Balochistan 228, Gilgit-Baltistan 216, Islamabad 119 and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir 35.

Pakistan on Sunday reported 386 fresh coronavirus cases, bringing the total number of the COVID-19 patients in the country to 5,170.

The Ministry of National Health Services said that 14 more people have died due to COVID-19 in the last 24 hours, taking the total number of fatalities to 86.

It said that 1,026 patients have recovered so far while 37 were reported to be in critical condition.

The number of coronavirus cases has risen to 5,170 with 386 new infections reported in one day, it said.

The nation-wide breakdown of the patients showed that Punjab has 2,464 cases, Sindh 1,411, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa 697, Balochistan 228, Gilgit-Baltistan 216, Islamabad 119 and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir 35.

The data showed that so far 61,801 tested had been conducted, including 2,805 in the last one day.

A steady rise in the new cases has been registered despite more than three-week lockdown in the country which is going to end on Tuesday.

The officials said that a decision will be made on Monday whether to extend the lockdown or not.

There is high possibility that it would be extended as Advisor on Health Zafar Mirza said that the low number of cases could spike if lockdown was completely lifted.

The US on Sunday overtook Italy as the country with the highest number of deaths due to COVID-19 pandemic with the fatalities crossing 20,000.

Globally, the novel coronavirus that originated in China in December has killed 110,042 people and infected over 1.7 million people. The US has the highest number of infections at 529,887, according to Johns Hopkins University data.

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