Mobile Handsets Shipments in India to Hit 265 Million: Report
Mobile Handsets Shipments in India to Hit 265 Million: Report
Sixty-six per cent of the phones in third quarter were "Made in India".

Indian mobile handsets shipments are set to reach 265 million by the year end, of which 116 million will be smartphones, a new report revealed on Monday.

According to market research firm CyberMedia Research's (CMR) "India Monthly Mobile Handset Market Review" report for third quarter of 2016, India shipped 197.5 million mobile handsets by the end of September 2016, of which 78.4 million were alone shipped during the third quarter.

"All these years, smartphone makers have been focusing on making the handsets affordable for more and more hands-on experience," said Faisal Kawoosa, Principal Analyst, Telecoms, CMR.

Sixty-six per cent of the phones in third quarter were "Made in India".

Over 98 per cent of the smartphones were using Google's Android OS with more than 25 per cent came preloaded with Android Marshmallow operating system.

"Every second 4G smartphone shipped during third quarter of this year, using third party chipset solution had a Qualcomm chipset. Sixty-six percent of the smartphones shipped were phablets," the report added.

Nearly 64 per cent of the smartphones were quad-core, while 29 per cent had a processor with clock rate of 1.3 GHz.

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