Game of Thrones Season 8: Best Ways to Avoid Spoilers
Game of Thrones Season 8: Best Ways to Avoid Spoilers
If you have not been able to catch the first episode of Game of Thrones Season 8 already, here are all the things that you can do to avoid spoilers from your friends and the internet alike, before you can finally catch up with the show's final season.

Game of Thrones’ final season is now upon us, with the first episode having aired already. However, if you have not been able to chance upon it already, and reckon that you won’t get to see it for some time (we can’t understand what could be so urgent, anyway), we’ve got some of the choicest tips for you to avoid season spoilers, so that when you eventually do get the time to watch it, the excitement levels do not get wasted.

Smartphone app: Spoilers Blocker

Spoilers Blocker is a nifty application that you can download on both iOS and Android. Once downloaded, you can select a list of apps that you believe can lead to spoilers, and subsequently select ‘Game of Thrones’ and all other related keywords, which you do not wish to see, for an indefinite period of time. By doing so, any content that might lead you to spoilers would be blocked from opening on your phone. That nasty friend that want to trick you into reading about the first episode would not get his evil laughter moment, after all.

Chrome extension: Game of Spoils

As you’d expect from the name, Game of Spoils has pretty much the same effect that Spoilers Blocker has on devices. The extension works on the most popular sources of spoilers — Google News, Facebook, Twitter and Reddit. It is also fairly reliable, and gives you the flexibility of simply disabling it, if you happen to decide that no spoiler will bother you anymore.

Social media: Muting and unfollowing

The most common way to avoid spoilers is to use the integrated tools that are already available on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. On Facebook, you can simply hide posts and unfollow notifications from groups that you believe are the likeliest to reveal some spoiler about the show. On Twitter, you also get a similar option, where you get to mute specific keywords and hashtags, to ensure that no posts with the related terms appear on your feed.

Alternate choices: Star Wars, Avengers and more

If you know your way around with words, this should be a solid, reliable, anti-spoilers shield for you. While we are admittedly thrilled with Game of Thrones’ final season now being on air, there is no dearth of excitement around trailers of upcoming movies. The most notable of the lot is Avengers: Endgame, which is all set to steal Game of Thrones’ thunder in about two weeks. There is a lot to discuss about Thanos squaring off against the heroes for one more time — will they finally fall back on time travel? How many of the heroes actually make it past the snap?

If this is not enough, Lucasfilm just dropped its latest trailer for the final edition for Star Wars Ep. 9: The Rise of Skywalker. It is equally intriguing, having already sprung open multiple fan theories about how one of our all-time favourite science fiction, cult movies would come to a close. After all, this signifies the end of the Jedi, from what we know so far.

Given two equally (or actually more) popular franchises coming to a close in 2019, give your mates enough dough on these two, in order to keep them away from discussing Game of Thrones, at least when you are around. None of them would mind, especially with Endgame now literally days away from premiering.

A personal experiment: Go offline

Given the age of over-connectivity and the internet, do you even remember the last time when you spent a full hour without using your phone? With Game of Thrones already on air, and Avengers: Endgame literally around the corner, this might actually be a great time for you to see if you can spend at least a week off the internet. Fall back on little things, such as making your own cup of coffee instead of placing an order, reading an Orhan Pamuk novel that has been lying in your dusty bookshelf for a while, writing in your diary about anything that you feel like, and even picking up the landline and dialling in your old friends. Not only is this the safest way of steering clear of spoilers, but a very nice experiment in exercising self control.

While it is a bit farcical that our article itself involves a keyword that you would ideally be looking to block out, we sincerely hope that our tips could help you to an extent, in a bid to avoid spoilers and ruining all the fun and excitement of waiting for the show to air. Happy watching, folks!

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