Curious how efficient of a communicator you are? Words per minute (WPM for short) is a measurement that defines how quickly you are able to form and recognize words in your communication with others. Whether you're looking to figure out how quickly you ty...
Though they aren’t used as often as they used to be, cheques (or checks) are still issued frequently for a variety of reasons. Whether in the form of a personal cheque written as a gift or a business cheque issued for services rendered, most everyone will...
An invite to the prime minister's private dinner for the US first couple was an honour enough, but when President
Having a pet is rewarding, but it can be hard work as well. If you are well prepared, do your research, and love your pet unconditionally, caring for a pet doesn't have to be back-breaking. Read on to get some tips for supporting any animal addition to yo...
You've got Baby Mario in Mario Kart Wii, but what's the point if he can't race against his baby brother? Baby Luigi is one of the most difficult characters to unlock in the game, mainly due to how many races you have to beat. There are a couple different...
Growing leg hair is a very normal part of growing up, and many people feel more comfortable deciding to remove their leg hair by shaving. If you’d like to shave your legs for the first time, you first need to acquire the correct supplies, learn the proper...
The grenade explosion took place at a crowded market place.
Sania and Chia had a chance to seal the match but they failed to serve it out.
From Veronica Lake and Marilyn Monroe in the 1940s and 1950s to Dita von Teese today, pin-up girls have been displayed on walls and billboards for generations and admired by men and women alike. No matter their dress size, pin-up girls wear clothes that a...
Black food coloring can be hard to find in stores. Luckily, you can prepare your own black food coloring right at home.
Dolphins are everyone's favorite swimming, squeaking, playful ocean animal, and drawing them is just as fun as admiring them in their natural habitat. It's easy to do, and all it takes is a pencil or pen, some paper, and a little practice! We'll show you...
Professional wrestler Chris Benoit, his wife and their seven-year-old son were found dead on Monday at their home.
A Wiffle ball is a plastic ball featuring 8 holes on 1 side and no holes on the other side. The way you angle these holes will impact how the ball flies and curves on its way to the batter. Each pitcher does things a little differently, so try practicing...
The Supreme Court on Monday ruled out the possibility of giving protection to all witnesses in criminal cases.
Left says the BJP and the RSS use "the myth of Muslim appeasement" to oppose any action to improve the welfare of the community.