Cong stages walkout in Rajasthan Assembly
Cong stages walkout in Rajasthan Assembly
Cong staged a walkout in the Rajasthan Assembly following clashes over suspension of 85 elected representatives during the BJP regime.

New Delhi: Congress staged a walkout in the Rajasthan Assembly on Monday following clashes over the suspension of 85 elected representatives during the BJP regime.

The Congress alleged that the suspension was part of a political conspiracy.

Amid anti-government slogans, leader of Oppositition R N Choudhary said since Jaunary 2004, the BJP government has suspended 82 elected representatives including mayors, deputy-mayors, chairmen and vice-chairmen of municipal boards.

Rejecting Civic Minister P S Singhvi's reply during question hour, Choudhary said 72 of these representatives belonged to Congress, five independents and eight from other parties.

Singhvi said 85 elected representatives were suspended and 21 others expelled following complaints and cases under the Anti-Corruption Act from January 2004 to March 23 this year and cases were pending against 58 of them.

Ruling BJP MLAs, including Parliamentary Minister R S Rathore traded charges with Congress members who accused the BJP government of discriminating against representatives in local bodies on political grounds.

(With PTI inputs)

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