Actor-producer Vivek Gomber says he initially gravitated towards Rohena Gera's critically-acclaimed "Sir" for its love story, but it was the director's conviction that won him over. "Who does not love a good love story?" Gomber, whose producing credits include internationally acclaimed films "Court" and "The Disciple", asks rhetorically.
New Delhi: Actor-producer Vivek Gomber says he initially gravitated towards Rohena Gera’s critically-acclaimed “Sir” for its love story, but it was the director’s conviction that won him over. “Who does not love a good love story?” Gomber, whose producing credits include internationally acclaimed films “Court” and “The Disciple”, asks rhetorically.
“It is a love story and I don’t get to play things like that. So much of the story is in silences, in the repetition of a day. There is also the conversation about the class divide and the way we treat domestic help. I had to trust Rohena for those things. I felt she knew what she was talking about,” he told .
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