US techies attempt to save the world
US techies attempt to save the world
Socially conscious video game designers in US are creating games to educate youth about real-world issues.

New York: Parents may worry that violent video games are bad for their children, but the technology can help save the world by raising awareness of the world's downtrodden, a group of socially conscious game designers say.

The creators of free educational games such as Darfur is Dying and PeaceMaker met with humanitarian activists at The New School University in New York on Tuesday for the third annual Games for Change conference.

The idea is to use video games to educate youth about real-world issues - fighting poverty, surviving in war-torn Sudan and negotiating Middle East peace.

And while there is violence in the games, it is being perpetrated by real-life players such as warring countries, not by the person playing the game.

"It's the next generation of activism," General Manager of mtvU, a television network owned by cable channel MTV Stephen Friedman said.

The televison network is aimed at college students that created a grant program encouraging educational games.

"Given this generation lives online, it's heartening to see them using this incredibly powerful medium in a very potent way," Friedman said.

The idea appears to be gaining popularity.

Darfur is Dying, which allows players to avoid being killed in violence-plagued Sudan, was downloaded more than 7,50,000 times in the past two months.


Food Force, created by the World Food Program at the United Nations, has been downloaded off the Internet more than 2 million times.

Just 40 developers and activists attended the first Games for Change conference in 2004. About 250 people participated this year.

President of The New School and a former US senator from Nebraska, Bob Kerrey said large gaming companies have expressed some interest in the market's potential.

"I do see some glimmers of reason to be optimistic that games can be used to accomplish educational missions and improve people's quality of understanding of what's going on in the world," Kerrey added.

Kerrey also said "The question for us is how do I use it to accomplish something good?"

Darfur is Dying puts players in the shoes of a Sudanese refugee. Plunked down in the middle of the violence, players must make it to a water well and try to survive for seven days in a camp besieged by militia.

In Peacemaker, players take the role of either the Israeli Prime Minister or the Palestinian President and try their hand at situations ranging from diplomatic talks to responding to military attacks.

Peacemaker co-creator Eric Brown, who is a Carnegie Mellon University graduate, said he hopes to usher video games into a new socially conscious arena.

"We believe in the power of interactive media and we think it has a lot of positive potential," Brown added.

"Just by putting someone in the shoes of the other side, they may think of a perspective they might not have thought of before," he added.

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