Topalov on top of chess world, Anand misses title
Topalov on top of chess world, Anand misses title
India?s Vishwanathan Anand drew his penultimate game against Alexander Morozevich letting the crown of World Chess Champion slip to Bulgaria?s Veselin Topalov.

San Luis, Argentina: Indian Chess wizard Viswanathan Anand drew his game against Alexander Morozevich in the penultimate round of the World Chess Championship played here hence letting the crown of World Chess champion slip to Bulgaria?s Veselin Topalov .

Anand, playing with white, opened with e4 and Morozevich replied with e5 which followed the set moves and the game got into French defence variation.

Both the players played cautiously and no one was ready to surrender in this penultimate round.

Realizing the importance of a win Anand took more time before making a move and in the process some how missed the opportunity while Morozevich created a sold game against white.

Anand tried to check the Black king on the 19th and 20th moves with Bxh7+ and Qh5+ but the solid black positions thwarted both the attacks.

Anand, again threatened the black king continuously from 25 move till 27 with QxRf8+, even this last move would have resulted in sacrificing the queen. He did not find anything left in the game

and agreed for a draw immediately.

After his drawn game Anand told UNI, ''I have the feeling that I have some thing more like Nd2 something like that. Even in the end if he is not threatening Nxg5 I have some more time but then I preferred to finish in time.''

Once Anand drew his game, Topalov heaved a sigh of relief and took no more risk in his penultimate round game and drew with the reigning champion Rustam Kasimdzhanov.

Topalov, With his unsurpassable score of 9.5 points from 13 games has emerged the New World Chess Champion, 2005. This is Topalov's biggest achievement after beating legendry Gary Kasparov at Linares this year and a group of top 6 chess players including Anand at Sofia to lift the Mtel Trophy.

After the first round, where I played with maximum blacks and won I knew the World title is mine, Topalov said.

The 14th Round game will only be a formality for him, however, both Anand and Svidler will to fight it out for the 2nd spot as both are on 8 point each.

Michael Adams - Peter Leko game also ended in a draw. Their irregular Sicilian defence game lost all hopes when the centre was blocked and there was not much left to play.

Polgar played a white Spanish opening while Adams followed a theoretical Marshall attack. In the end both with equal strength agreed to split point in the rook end game.

Standings After Round 13:

1. Veselin Topalov 9.5 pts

2. Vishy Anand 8 pts

3. Peter Svidler 8 pts

4. Alexander Morozevich 6 pts

5. Peter Leko 5.5 pts

6. Rustam Kasimdzhanov 5.5 pts

7. Michael Adams 5 pts

8. Judit Polgar 4 pts

Game Anand-Morozevich

1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.f4 c5 6.Nf3 Nc6 7.Be3 cxd4 8.

Nxd4 Bc5 9.Qd2 O-O 10.O-O-O a6 11.Nb3 Bb4 12.Bd3 b5 13.Rhf1 Nb6 14.


Be7 15.Nd4 Qc7 16.Nxc6 Qxc6 17.Bd4 Nc4 18.Qe2 Rb8 19.Bxh7+ Kxh7 20.

Qh5+ Kg8 21.Rd3 f5 22.Rh3 Bc5

23.Rff3 Bxd4 24Rfg3 Rb7

25.Qh7+ Kf7 26.Qxg7+ Ke8 27.QxRf8-1/2- ?.

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