Mumbai: Bollywood superstar Salman Khan along with other actors and media persons kept a minute of silence to pay tribute to Dara Singh, who died on July 12 after a brief illness. Before beginning the launch of the first song of his movie Ek Tha Tiger at the Gaity Galaxy here, Salman requested everyone to maintain a minute's silence in the memory of the late legend.
"He (Dara Singh) was the most amazing person to work with. I know his children really well. As a person, he was the most incredible. It is a huge loss to us and god bless his soul," Salman said. The film's director Kabir Khan and Salman's co-star Katrina Kaif were also present.
Dara Singh was admitted to a hospital here on July 7, after a heart attack. On July 11, he was shifted to his home from the hospital. He passed away at his residence in Juhu in the morning.
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