LSD making inroads into Kerala campuses
LSD making inroads into Kerala campuses
KOCHI: Parents beware! Killer drugs are taking unexpected avatars these days. If you come across a youngster popping a sticker sha..

KOCHI: Parents beware! Killer drugs are taking unexpected avatars these days. If you come across a youngster popping a sticker shaped like a traditional ‘bindhi’ or swastika more often than not it could be a dose of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD). A drug, many times stronger than cocaine and heroin, LSD use is taking deep roots among high school and college students in the state.“The drug is gaining popularity among teenagers in Kerala. LSD, which disappeared in mid ‘70s, had made a re-entry in the ‘acid’ list about a decade back. It is now one of the most popular drugs at rave parties. The police have reported LSD cases in Kozhikode. These drugs are popular among high school and college students,” Venugopal G Kurup, Superintendent, Narcotics Control Bureau, told Express. It is one of the most dangerous synthetic drugs as even a minimum dosage of 25 micrograms can create a hallucinogenic effect. The NCB has begun tracing the origin, channel and transaction points of the drug in Kerala even as it is reliably learnt that it enters Kerala mainly from neighbouring metros like Bangalore. An odourless, colourless and tasteless drug, LSD can be easily painted onto absorbent paper, divided into small decorated designs.Express came across a 21-year-old student in Kochi who is a regular on ‘acid trips.’ Ramesh (name changed) vouched that a mere dose of LSD will give him 12 hours’ high.Usually the small sticker, which is a square, circle or triangle, is swallowed, he said. “It gives rise to hallucination. My sense of space, time and distance gets altered. Sometimes I ‘hear’ colours and ‘see’ sounds. Psychedelic rock music is a must in that state. And soon after licking the sticker, an energy drink is consumed  which will stimulate the LSD,” he said. LSD is sold under labels like ‘Acid,’ ‘Microdot,’ ‘Cid,’ ‘Blotter,’ ‘Purple Heart’ and ‘Daffy Duck.’ “One shot of LSD costs a minimum Rs. 800. One sheet contains about 80 to 100 shots,” he said. Studies have revealed that LSD affects the judgement and behaviour of a person. Dilated pupil, increased heart rate and blood pressure, trembling, sweating, sleeplessness and loss of appetite are some of the visible effects.The police have come across LSD use cases only in Kozhikode while it is clearly gaining ground in Kochi and Thiruvananthapuram.

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