Kannagi Nagar gets 10 CCTV cameras
Kannagi Nagar gets 10 CCTV cameras
The new initiative by city police is hailed by the residents who feel the facility will boost their security levels...

CHENNAI: The city police have been initiating a series of measures to reduce crime rate and improve socio- economic development in Kannagi Nagar, the largest slum resettlement colony in Asia. The latest of all, the installation of 10 CCTV cameras at various vantage points of the colony, has received wide appreciation from the residents who feel the move will boost their security levels. Close to 30,000 slum dwellers have been resettled at Kannagi Nagar, according to official estimates and the numbers are expected to increase in the near future.CCTV cameras were installed on Saturday covering vulnerable areas, including the entry and exit routes. The footage caught on the cameras will be relayed through wireless systems on a live basis to the J-11 Kannagi Nagar Police Station where it will be stored for a period of one month, according to a press statement.“This is such a wonderful measure to boost our confidence levels. It makes women feel safer while coming out during late hours,” said R Murthy, treasurer of Tsunami Kannagi Nagar People’s Welfare Association. “Police have been our true friends by being with us at every stage of our development.They have promised to help our youngsters get loans to start business, and have also promised to recruit few of us into the police force,” Murthy added.Being the largest slum resettlement colony in Asia, Kannagi Nagar still cries for better amenities and services to be provided by various government departments.“The first thing that we need here is the improvement of basic civic hygiene,” says Stephen Raj of Kannagi Nagar. “The nearest maternity care centre we have is about 22 kilometers away. In many instances, by the time women reach the centre after being driven along these terrible roads, they would’ve delivered in the vehicle itself,” said Murthy. “For a community of 18,000 people, we have just one high school and three primary schools, which are grossly inadequate. If the education facilities are improved, this by itself will divert a lot of youngsters from getting into anti-social activities,” added Murthy.

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