#JeSuisCharlie figures in more than 3.5 million tweets
#JeSuisCharlie figures in more than 3.5 million tweets
The trending slogan reached a peak at 02:00 am (IST) on Friday, hours after the bloody assault by two gunmen.

Paris, The hashtag #JeSuisCharlie (I am Charlie), in tribute to the 12 people killed in the attack on the Paris offices of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, has now been used in more than 3.5 million tweets, Twitter said on Friday.

The trending slogan reached a peak at 02:00 am (IST) on Friday, hours after the bloody assault by two gunmen. Then, some 6,500 tweets were using the tag.

On Instagram, nearly 650,000 photos were shared with #JeSuisCharlie on them at 2130 IST yesterday. By 0630 IST today, the trend had declined to 52,000 shares.

An Instagram spokesman told AFP that yesterday's peak coincided with a Paris demonstration in homage to the victims killed that gathered at least 35,000 people.

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