IBNLive Chat: Tarot tells India rocks
IBNLive Chat: Tarot tells India rocks
Mita Bhan answers queries on what Tarot cards read for India.

Mita Bhan, a US certified tarot reader, Reiki master and crystal enthusiast who's appeared on TV and radio, in a Freedom Chat with IBNlive readers, answers your queries on what Tarot cards read for India.

Moderator IBNLive: Hello and welcome to the Freedom Chat, Mita!

Venu: How Tarot reading is different from Astrology.

Mita Bhan: Astrology is based on the position of the planets when you were born, and Tarot is based on your present moment energies. A Tarot reading is like a snapshot of your life at this very moment and through it you can gain insight and information as to where you've come from, what's around you and where you may be heading. Tarot is not a fortune telling tool, Tarot is a road map into your life, where you are, and what you can do to bring more happiness, peace and focus in your life.

Shanno: What do u think will Indian women overtake men in every field in this century? Will India in particular and world in general become a female dominated society? The events point the same, India is now run madam president (Pratibha) and madam Sonia, America will be ruled by Madam Hillary Clinton. Has the world come full circle and will the roles of man and women be completely reversed in this century leading to a Matriarchal society?

Mita Bhan: I think the process of the rise of the Indian woman has already begun. By the end of the century the cards don’t predict a matriarchal society, more in the lines of Equality between the sexes. But first, our men have to learn to not be so afraid of us.

Kamal Kumar: What are the information you require to give any prediction about somebody?

Mita Bhan: Full name, date of birth and current location.

Agarwal: What is going to happen to India's software market ? Will it keep growing with the same pase? If yes how long?

Mita Bhan: The cards do indicate a time for rapid growth and also a lot of learning. The software market will grow over the next 3-5 years but will need to learn to be more streamlined and structured in its growth, as there is a risk of losses and mistakes that can be easily avoidable. If lessons are learnt, we can be very stable in this field globally.

Vinod: Will India become a developed country.

Mita Bhan: Developed is a relative word. In the past 10-15 years India has grown rapidly and this pace is expected to continue over the next 30 years, during which we could definitely become a force to reckon with globally.

Lak1579: Hi Mita, When and will India become a clean and good country like Singapore/US?

Mita Bhan: Cards indicate delays and resistance towards this trend, unless and until stringent steps are taken to maintain a level of hygiene in our streets. If this takes place, it could happen within a decade. Fingers crossed!

Amit Pathela: Hi, What does the export sector for India looks like ?

Mita Bhan: The cards reveal greater potential for the export sector, but new laws and learnings have to be put in place. Clearly we've done something right but made a lot of mistake. Also there appears to be a need for more training in this field, in the laws and processes of export.

Divya: Will India have a woman prime minister also?


Mita Bhan: Of course! Women are going to dominate the political and public arena in greater numbers over the next 10 years.

Gitesh: How can one read Tarot for a Country?

Mita Bhan: With Tarot everything depends on the question, and the intent of the reader. I simply meditate on all Indians everywhere and ask my question:)

Paresh: When do you think India will get rid of corruption?

Mita Bhan: Corruption is so deep rooted in our country that immediate solutions are honestly impossible. Its roots lie in fear, fear of loss, fear of poverty and a lack of trust in the system. Unless those fears are faced individually, unless and until people feel secure that their needs are being met and their future can be bright - in their own hands, it won’t happen so quickly. Corruption, according to the cards may take a generation or two to clear up somewhat. And certain stringency will be required.

Rashmi J Prabhu: Hi Mitaji-i would like to know when will I have kids. My date of birth is 17th September 1980.rashmi

Mita Bhan: Conception of a child isn’t in the hands of a Tarot reader:) or the cards for that matter!!!! Children are created by God, and all the cards do reveal is that you will be a wonderful mother. Have faith, and it will happen:)

Sree: Is Tarot reading a good profession to make money and some fame?

Mita Bhan: If you love the Tarot cards then you can go professional with it. Money and fame depend on knowledge, skill and intuitive abilities. Ultimately the mark of a good Tarot reader is not the money/fame but how much of a difference they can make into a persons life right now, with insights and guidance rather than mere predictions

Roy: Hi, will we ever be rid of communal problems?

Mita Bhan: I believe in miracles and I do hope that someday we'll all be able to just get along with one another regardless of gender, caste, religion, colour, whatever. The cards do reveal that the path to overcoming communal problems has to begin at an individual level - when we learn to trust, forgive the past, and feel more secure with ourselves, we may just increase levels of communal harmony. It's not about you, or he or she, it’s about us. We are all one, and unless we see that and feel that, we'll always feel separate when we should be united:)

Shivom: What do you think about Indians sprit for professionalism.

Mita Bhan: The basis of professionalism is the respect of time, because time is money. Perhaps its time we went beyond the Indian standard time and started respecting our time, our company's time and the time of the other person.

Lily: When I will get married to my love Rohit.

Mita Bhan: An influential, powerful mother figure seems to be blocking your dream to marry Rohit. Win her over and you get your man.

Manoj: Is taro card meant for only celebrities in India?


Mita Bhan: No:) Tarot readings are for everyone - open any newspaper, visit any Astro-portal

Mohan: Is there any chance for Sanjay Dutt released earlier than six years imprisonment

Mita Bhan: Yes! At one point it may appear as if he's not, but luck may turn in his favour sooner than we think:)

Viv: Hi, any chance for Abdul Kalam to start a political party?

Mita Bhan: Abdul Kalam is an inspiration to millions:) We need more people like him in our country. In terms of a political party, chances are slim that he will start one, but there does appear to be indications that he will take a larger role in education and motivation of the youth. This man has magic:) And I pray he takes his magic further:)

Swetha: Will my Marriage be a Successful one?

Mita Bhan: No marriage is 100 per cent successful and NO marriage is a 100% failure. If you want to make your marriage successful Swetha, the cards reveal a need for you to become more self reliant and less dependent on your spouse for every decision. Not only will you win your husbands respect when he sees just how capable you are, he will be yours forever:)

Deepti: I am married for 3 years and a mother of 1 yr old baby. Every thing was fine until June 2007. Suddenly my husband has started drinking alcohol a lot. I am worried about my daughter’s future and mine. He is immensely interested in drinking. He has changed a lot and this is a very sudden change. Can you please tell till what time will he behave this way? And will the drinking habbit ever stop? My husbands DOB is 24/7/1979 and mine is 03/10/1983

Mita Bhan: I'm so sorry for you and your child. Alcoholism is a sickness and unless and until your husband wants to help himself, no one can get him out of his boozy binges nor can a Tarot reader/astrologer predict when it will happen. What would help is if you met with a counselor, doctor or your local branch of Alcoholics Anonymous who may be able to guide you to the best course of action for your family's help. Have faith.

jagney: how to start pursuing Tarot reading? Is there some professional course one needs to joint to become a reader?

Mita Bhan: If you love the cards and sincerely feel you can make guide/help/counsel people then pursue Tarot readings. 1. Buy a deck, familiarize yourself with all 78 cards and their meanings. 2. Learn to meditate daily, get in tune with your inner psychic. 3. Practice, practice, practice. 4. Professional courses are available online, and many Tarot readers keep holding workshops on a regular basis:)

Kapil UK: Hi Mita, if I can ask a personal question, how long do you think you will live?

Mita Bhan: Hah! That would take the whole mystery out of living now wouldn’t it:) I believe death is the only certainty we live with, and only God knows the date. As a human being I have no authority to talk further about matters that are way above me:)


Samir S Shah: Why am I not getting success in any venture.

Mita Bhan: The cards clearly reveal you need to work on your confidence levels and boost your belief in yourself. Are you going in for "get rich quick schemes?" How can you boost your knowledge base about the product/service you are involved in? The cards say you may be repeating past mistakes over and over again and not getting the lesson. What can u do differently? What is your biggest learning? What are your strengths? Operate from there and you can expect happier times within 13 months!

VV: I was seeing this guy like for 3 years and recently he called it off. i find everything very bleak ahead of me. i want to know whether i will ever have a healthy relationship ever again.

Mita Bhan: Sorry to hear about your breakup, but you know what, you are moving on. The minute you let go of the memories, you free up the energies for inviting new love into your life. A young, dependable, soul is seen in your energy field and sparks may fly by the year-end or early ‘08. Just remember if you want to have a "healthy" relationship, control your jealousy/possessiveness. The best way to lose a man is to show them your claws too often!

sathish: Last 10 years has been a growth story for India will the next 10 years see India were the gap between rich & poor is minimal.

Mita Bhan: As education grows, the gap will lessen but it will take longer than 10 years and will require sustained efforts on part of everyone, including you and me. Unless we believe, we'll always be skeptical, as long as we expect the other person do something the problem may persist. At an individual level we all have the potential to make the difference into the life of a person with less privileges, money and education. If we can all change the life of 1 person in our neighbourhood or life we can contribute to reducing the gap.

Arunsh: Hi, Am also a Reki practitioner. I have done 3rd degree Reiki and use crystal also for healing. How will be my job prospectus? Do I have chance to go abroad and work for.

Mita Bhan: The cards reveal if you make modifications in your pricing structure and work towards promoting your trade eg by articles, presentations or lectures you can steadily reach the next level of growth. Delays are seen where working abroad are concerned, may be in another field. Good Luck.

Sandeep: Who are you.

Mita Bhan: I am a soul just like you, in a human form just like you:) A student of life just like you, I have a lot to learn just like you:) And you know what, I'm learning from all of you. Thank you everyone for a memorable chat:) May God bless all of you individually and may we shine as a nation in the years to come:)

IBNlive Chat Moderator: Dear Readers Time is up, many questions unanswered too but hey, you all really wrote in! We hope to have Mita with us again another time. For now, it's a wrap. Thank-you so much for being with us Mita.

Please log in tomorrow to chat LIVE with eminent historian Ramachandra Guha on “India after Gandhi.”

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