Facebook now lets you untag multiple photos at once
Facebook now lets you untag multiple photos at once
Facebook has now announced a new tool - a Request and Removal tool - that lets users untag multiple photos at once.

New Delhi: After rolling out some new privacy tools to help users manage who can see what they share on Facebook, the social networking giant has now announced a new tool - a Request and Removal tool - that lets users untag multiple photos at once. Users can see this tool in the updated Activity Log.

Here is how you can take actions on multiple photos you are tagged in - Go to your Timeline > click the Activity Log button on your timeline, under your cover photo > Click on photos link on the left > and select multiple photos you want to take actions on. Users can either ask friends to take down the shots they don't like - they can even include a message about why this is important to you, or they can use the tool to untag multiple photos at once, keeping in mind that while untagged photos don't appear on your timeline, they can still appear in other places on Facebook, such as search, news feed, or your friends' timelines.

Besides the Request and Removal tool, the updates include Privacy Shortcuts and an easier-to-use Activity Log. "We're also adding new in-product education that makes key concepts around controlling your sharing clearer, such as in-context reminders about how stuff you hide from timeline may still appear in news feed, search, and other places," said Facebook in a blog post.

Up until now, to change privacy and timeline controls on Facebook, users would need navigate through a separate set of pages. But Facebook has now announced new shortcuts users can easily get to. For key settings, users can simply go to the toolbar on the top bar of the Facebook page to help manage "Who can see my stuff?" "Who can contact me?" and "How do I stop someone from bothering me?"

The updated Activity Log has new navigation, so users can easily review their own activity on Facebook, such as your likes and comments, their photos, and posts they have been tagged in. It also has new ways to sort information. Facebook introduced Activity Log last year.

Facebook has started rolling out these new updates.

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