Congress justifies NCTC order
Congress justifies NCTC order
CHENNAI: Justifying the National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC) Order of the Union government, Congress party spokesman Abhishek ..

CHENNAI: Justifying the National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC) Order of the Union government, Congress party spokesman Abhishek Singhvi on Wednesday stated that the issue should not be politicised. Addressing journalists here, Singhvi said that there was a Central Government statutory authority for powers to be exercised by the NCTC under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act. The law had been amended. There was no intention to trench upon the powers of the States. The aim was only to consolidate the fight against terror. All the parties,  which spoke for national interest, must support these measures. Moreover, consultative measures were  always open, Singhvi said, and added, “let us not throw the baby out of bathwater. Let us not try to politicise it.”On the issue relating to the alleged move by the Centre to clip the powers of the Election Commission with regard to the model code of conduct, the Congress spokesperson said it was a deliberate pre-emptive attempt to sensationalise a non-issue based on non-existent proceedings. “We have never intended or attempted directly or indirectly to bring into disrepute the Election Commission,” he said. Singhvi also welcomed the judgment of the Madras High Court banning entry of foreign law firms and foreign lawyers. It was a balanced and an important judgment, he said, and added that it was extremely good for Indian lawyers.

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