Azad calls Telangana leaders again for talks
Azad calls Telangana leaders again for talks
At Thursdays meet between Telangana Congress leaders and the Union minister, there was no assurance on statehood issue...

HYDERABAD: The Telangana Congress leaders on Thursday once again reiterated their stand to senior Congress leader and incharge of AP affairs Ghulam Nabi Azad saying that they would accept nothing short of separate Telangana state and were ready for discussions if there is a favourable proposal.However, at the meeting which lasted for more than two hours in the Union minister’s chambers, no assurance came from Azad on the issue. Azad had called for another meeting on Friday asking the leaders to form a smaller group for further consultations.Meanwhile, the Telangana Congress public representatives handed over a letter signed by ministers, MPs, MLAs and MLCs to Azad saying that there was no alternative to Telangana state.“Thank you for inviting us for talks. We reiterate our firm view that there is no alternative to Telangana state,’’ the letter said.Talking to newsmen later, Azad said that he would continue the consultation process.‘’My main concern is, apart from the resignation issue of so many Congress MPs the state should not suffer any more because of this issue,” he said.Talking to newsmen later, Nalgonda MP Gutha Sukhender Reddy made it clear that they would rethink on their resignations issue and that of Telangana ministers joining their duties only if there was a favourable response from the government.“We explained in detail about the history behind Telangana demand, including that of Congress party’s alliance with the TRS in 2004 polls and the party’s commitment on Telangana. We requested him to see that the Centre initiate the process for Telangana state. Azad heard our views and asked us to come for another meet on Friday,’’ he added. 

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