What Does the ???? (Face with Open Mouth) Emoji Mean?
What Does the ???? (Face with Open Mouth) Emoji Mean?
If someone drops the ???? (face with open mouth) emoji in a text, you may wonder what they meant by it—and we’re here to help you solve the mystery! Also called the surprised emoji, “wow” emoji, or the open mouth emoji, there are a few different ways to use it, and now you can learn all of them. Read on for a complete overview of the ???? (face with open mouth) emoji, including how to use it, respond to it, and combine it with other popular emojis.
Things You Should Know
  • The ???? (face with open mouth) emoji typically means “Wow!” It expresses surprise, disbelief, and admiration.
  • Use the ???? emoji to tell someone how talented they are or convey your shock when someone sends you unexpected news.
  • Express disbelief and worry using the ???? emoji when someone surprises you with bad news.
  • Alternatively, use the ???? emoji to express light humor and sarcasm.

What does the ???? emoji mean?

The ???? (face with open mouth) emoji most commonly means “Wow!” When you feel admiration and awe towards someone, the ???? emoji can depict those feelings. It can be used alongside or in place of phrases like “Whoa!” and “Oh, my!” You’ll usually find the ???? emoji in texts or social media posts with a lighthearted tone. “You really did all that in a few hours? ???? So cool!” “Whoa, that drawing is insane! ???? You’re so talented.”

The ???? (face with open mouth) emoji signifies shock and disbelief. Though it’s mainly a lighthearted emoji, many people use it to express everything from mild surprise to serious shock and incredulity. In short, the ???? emoji is adaptable and depicts varying degrees of astonishment. “Are you serious? ???? LOL, that’s wild.” “I can’t believe I didn’t know that! ???? Genuinely kinda shook right now.”

Sometimes the ???? (face with open mouth) emoji means fear or panic. If you’re suddenly hit with some bad news, the ???? emoji can encapsulate your feelings about the situation. In that context, the ???? expresses shocked disappointment, and worry. “Wait, we have a quiz today? ???? I forgot to study!” “You quit your job? ???? I thought I was gonna see you today! What happened?”

The ???? (face with open mouth) emoji can have a sarcastic undertone. Some include the ???? emoji in a text when they’re expressing mock surprise (as opposed to genuine shock). Rather than saying, “I’m not surprised,” someone might send the ???? emoji ironically instead. You: “Did you hear? Jen and Skyler are dating!” Them: “Who could’ve guessed? ???? Definitely not us in the group chat for the last 5 days, lol!”

Using the ???? Emoji

Show your admiration with the ???? (face with open mouth) emoji. When someone genuinely impresses you, let them know. Say “Wow!” with the ???? emoji, and send along a quick message about how amazed or inspired you feel. It might just make someone’s day! “This is my face still thinking about how you won EVERY game we played tonight. ????” “Just heard that you got into all of your dream schools!! ???? Bravo!”

Express surprise with the ???? (face with open mouth) emoji. Sometimes you’ll get a message or see a post on social media that’s so shocking it leaves your jaw hanging wide open. Follow up with the ???? emoji to show the recipient your surprise. In fact, it's a great emoji to use regardless of how surprised you are! “Is that true?? ???? Okay, I need you to explain what happened NOW.” “I was today years old when I learned that avocado is a fruit, not a vegetable. ????”

Convey fear and anxiety with the ???? (face with open mouth) emoji. When you get bad news, it’s natural to be a little alarmed and reflect that panic in your response. Add the ???? emoji to your text; it helps illustrate your feelings, so the recipient can easily interpret your reaction and reply accordingly. Them: “So, Carol told me she’s upset with you. What’s going on there?” You: “I had no idea she felt that way. That's awful. ???? Did she say why?” You can also react to bad news on social media with it—like retweeting an article and adding a ???? emoji to show your shock and dismay.

Use the ???? (face with open mouth) emoji to tease someone gently. The ???? is a good choice when you want to be slightly ironic but not totally dismissive. Send it to convey mock surprise to someone. Remember, sarcasm is harder to spot over text, so it’s best to save it for friends who already know your texting style! Them: “I feel like this isn’t such a great idea actually… ????” You: “No, really? ????”

Responding to the ???? Emoji

Thank them for their kind words when they express admiration. If someone praises you using ???? emoji, it’s only natural to be grateful for the compliment. Let them know that their words are much appreciated—and, if you like, use a happy emoji like the ???? (blushing smile) or the ❤️ (red heart). Them: “Whoa, that drawing is insane! ???? You’re so talented.” You: “Thank you! ???? I drew it with you in mind, so I’m glad you liked it!”

Explain further if they use the ???? emoji to covey shock. When you send a message conveying shocking news, the recipient might respond by saying something like “What?!” or “Wait, really?” In those cases, send a follow-up text explaining the news in a little more detail for them. You: “So…Beth quit today.” Them: “WHAT? ????” You: “Yeah, it was kind of crazy! Wanna call me? I can tell you the whole story. ????”

Offer comforting words if they send the ???? emoji to express anxiety. Sometimes bad news can send people into a tailspin, even if you weren’t trying to alarm them. When someone sends the ???? emoji in reaction to bad news and you can tell they’re genuinely a little worried or afraid, do your best to soothe them or talk through the issue until they feel better. You: “Just FYI, there’s a pop quiz in science class today!” Them: “Oh no. I’m so behind, I’ll never pass it! ????????” You: “Hey, no worries! I can help. Wanna do a quick study session at lunch?”

Laugh along with the joke if they sent the emoji to tease you. When someone texts you with the ???? emoji and lots of sarcastic surprise, the easiest way to respond is to laugh off the joke or play along with it by sending a sarcastic message in return. Show the recipient that you’re a good sport, and you get what they’re trying to say! You: “I can’t wait for the next Batman movie!” Them: “Oh, you like Batman? ???? I had no idea.” You: “Lol, yeah, you know me, I like to be subtle about my interests. ????”

Common Emojis to Pair with ????

Use the ???? emoji alongside an object emoji when you lose something. Everyone slips up and loses something now and again, whether it’s their house keys or their favorite shirt. When you want to express dismay and confusion over losing something, pair the ???? emoji with whichever emoji best depicts the object you lost. For example: ???????? = Where’s my book? ???????? = Where are my headphones? ???????? = Where are my keys?

Send ​????​????​????​ to blow someone a kiss over text. Sometimes it’s fun to tell a story with your emojis and spell out a phrase for the recipient to translate. When you want to be a little fun and flirty, write, “????​????​????,” to convey that you’re sending them a kiss through the message. “Wish you were here! ????​????​????” “Sending you kisses today! ????​????​????”

Combine ​???? with ​????​???? ​to signal that you’re making an announcement. When you want the recipient to know that you’re sending an important, must-read text (even if you’re just sharing a juicy piece of gossip or joking around), add ????????​???? to the message. The ???? (megaphone) and ​???? (microphone) emojis imply that you’re broadcasting a text or social media announcement loudly, while the ???? emoji adds urgency. “BREAKING NEWS! ????????​???? …I miss you.” Omg! ????????​???? You’ll never guess what my mom told me today!”

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