What Does NGL Mean?
What Does NGL Mean?
You’ve just spotted the word “NGL” in a text or post, but you’re drawing a total blank. What exactly does this acronym mean, and why are you seeing it everywhere online? You’re in good hands—we’ve outlined everything about this handy abbreviation to help you understand it, reply to it, and even use it yourself. NGL, we think you’ll get the hang of it super quickly!

What does NGL stand for?

NGL stands for “Not Gonna Lie.” Think of NGL as another way of saying “honestly,” “if I’m being honest,” or “to be honest.” It’s a quick, easy way to let another person know that you’re sharing exactly what’s on your mind. NGL means the same thing over text and on social media platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and TikTok. Some people spell NGL in all capital letters, while other people spell it with all lowercase letters (ngl). Either way, it means the same thing! Person 1: “NGL, Pepsi is way better than Coke”Person 2: “NGL, you have no taste. Coke is clearly the superior soda ????” “NGL cold pizza really does hit different ????”

How to Use NGL

Share an honest, potentially unpopular opinion with NGL. Adding NGL to the beginning or end of your message lets other people know that you’re about to share something completely unfiltered. Sometimes, NGL is even used to share an unpopular or potentially controversial opinion. “NGL I don’t see a point in showering more than twice a week lol” “Avocados are really disgusting ngl ????????”

Drop NGL to hedge a criticism or complaint. Some people use “NGL” as a casual replacement for “no offense” before saying a critical and/or potentially hurtful statement. Just keep in mind that “no offense” statements are often pretty offensive, so there’s a good chance that “NGL” statements might come across the same way. “Ngl that shirt doesn’t really go with the rest of your outfit.” “NGL your car is pretty messy lol”

Say something vulnerable with NGL. Thinking about opening up to a friend or loved one? Drop NGL at the beginning or end of your message to really set the tone for what you’re about to share. NGL is all about being honest, so it’s the perfect addition to your more vulnerable, potentially embarrassing convos. “Ngl I’m still scared of sleeping in the dark ????” “NGL I made a complete fool of myself the last time I went to a carnival ????”

How to Reply to NGL

Agree or disagree with an opinion that someone shares. People tend to share some hot takes using NGL—but that doesn’t mean you have to agree with them! Dish it back by telling the other person exactly what you think about their opinion. Them: “NGL, pineapple is legit the best pizza topping ????”You: “That’s so gross…I can’t believe you just said that ????” Them: “Ngl I’m pretty sure he’s gonna sweep the Grammys this year”You: “Yeah, I totally agree with you there”

Acknowledge or ignore someone’s complaint or criticism. Plenty of people offer unsolicited commentary by tacking a “NGL” on to the beginning of their statement. You’re welcome to reply to the person if you want, they aren’t entitled to a response from you (especially if what they said was hurtful)! Them: “NGL I can’t really see you and Christian lasting long together as a couple ????”You: “Thanks for the heads-up, but I don’t remember asking for your opinion ????” You’d be well within your right to leave a message like “Ngl your music kinda sucks” on read.

Offer support to a friend sharing something vulnerable. Opening up can be really nerve-wracking, even if it’s done over text. When your friend takes the plunge and shares something vulnerable with you, reassure them that they’re totally valid in their thoughts and feelings. Them: “Ngl I still get kinda freaked out when I watch Jurassic Park ????”You: “OMG that’s so valid! I have to close my eyes whenever the T-rex scene comes on tbh ????????”

Alternate Meanings

NGL occasionally means “Natural Gas Liquid.” The term “NGL” is really common in the energy field, and is shorthand for different types of natural gas liquids, like propane, ethane, and butanes. If you’re reading through an energy-related news report or scrolling through a scholarly article, there’s a good chance that NGL stands for natural gas liquid in that context. “You know propane is an NGL, right?”

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