- Speaking things into existence is a way of manifesting your life goals and dreams.
- In other words, if you want to speak something into existence, you say your desire out loud and let the universe do the rest.
- Writing down your goals, using positive affirmations, and visualizing your future are excellent ways to manifest.
What does “speaking things into existence” mean?
Speaking things into existence is a positive way to manifest something. When someone says they’re “speaking things into existence,” they’re trying to improve their life and achieve their dreams. Basically, they’re manifesting or turning their ideas into reality. They’re trying to attract something into their life, whether that’s money, relationships, success, etc.. Some believe that saying your desires aloud can help them come true faster. For instance, if a friend says, “I’m going to get an A on this test,” they’re speaking something into existence. Say you want to get a promotion. You may say to yourself, “I will succeed and get that bonus,” in the morning before heading off to work.
Why is manifesting important?
Manifesting is important because it helps you make positive changes. Saying your wishes out loud won’t automatically make them come true, but it can put you in a positive mindset. Achievements don’t always happen overnight, and manifesting or speaking things into existence can motivate you to continue chasing your dreams and achieve your goals no matter what. In other words, manifesting can give you the courage and determination to take control of your destiny.
How to Speak Things Into Existence
Write down your goals. Studies have shown that making a list of your hopes and dreams can help you achieve them faster. Create a list of short- and long-term goals to better understand what you need to manifest. Your goals don’t have to be grand—they can be as simple as making your bed in the morning or trying out for the school play. Consider expanding on your goals. For instance, what comes next if you try out for the play? Do you want to land the lead role? Keep your list of goals somewhere you can see it every day. Save the list as your phone’s lock screen or hang a paper copy above your bed.
Visualize your goals coming true. Once you have your goals in mind, imagine them coming to life. How will you go about accomplishing them? What will achieving them feel like? Visualizing the outcome of a goal can lift your spirits and help lead you to success. Do a mental rehearsal to boost your confidence. For instance, say you want to win your school debate. Go through the motions in your head: putting on your professional attire, checking your notecards, and walking up to the podium. Create a vision board. If you struggle to picture your goals in your mind, no worries! Cut out pictures of your dreams to put on your wall, or make a digital collage of everything you hope to accomplish. Imagine yourself as someone else. Think about who you admire that’s achieved similar goals. Then, imagine you’re them for a day. What would they do in your life to make your dream more obtainable?
Use positive affirmations. Believe it or not, how you talk to and about yourself really matters. Positive affirmations are one of the best ways to speak your dreams into existence. When you’re feeling low, remind yourself of what you want to accomplish with powerful, uplifting statements. Here are some examples: I can do this. I am enough. When I fall, I get back up again. I am worthy of love and respect. I am resilient, strong, and brave. My goals and desires are worthwhile. I am capable of achieving anything I set my mind to. I am working every day to be the best version of myself.
Live as if your goals are coming true. A main part of speaking things into existence is to believe, so trick your brain into thinking that your dreams have already come true. Pretend what you want is already in your hands—how does that change your behavior and mood? Let's say you want to win a basketball tournament. How would you play if you knew your team was going to win? Would you be more confident on the court? If so, embody that courage now rather than waiting for the win.
Be confident in yourself. Above all else, have faith that you can and will accomplish your goals. Anyone can change their destiny, but it takes strength, resilience, and courage, and we believe you can do it! You’re one amazing person, and if you believe in yourself, the universe will follow suit. Build your self-confidence by reframing negative thoughts into positive ones. For instance, if you think, “I’m forgetful, and I hate myself for it,” reframe the thought to something more positive like, “I forgot this one thing, and that’s okay—people make mistakes.”
What does the Bible say about speaking things into existence?
Mark 11:23 reminds people to have faith in the Lord. In this verse, Jesus speaks to His disciples, saying, “Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” Some believe this is an embodiment of manifestation, while others argue that it’s Jesus’s message to have faith in God’s plan as He is the only one who can speak things into existence. Mark 11:23-24 reads, “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
Proverbs 18:21 emphasizes the power of words. Followers of the Christian faith are firm believers that your word is the strongest and most dangerous weapon of all; however, this particular passage can be interpreted in 2 ways: a) that people have the ability to speak their own will into existence, or b) only God’s word has the power to speak something into existence. So, depending on your own beliefs, Proverbs 18:21 either supports or criticizes the phrase “speak it into existence.” Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”
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