How to Sell a Film to Netflix
How to Sell a Film to Netflix
Making your own movie is a huge accomplishment—but if you have big goals for your film, like selling it to Netflix, you may not be sure where to start. That’s okay! While it can be tough to get your foot in the door with such a big company, it definitely isn’t impossible. Here are a few frequently-asked questions and answers to help you dip your toes in the Netflix film industry.
How do you get your movie on Netflix?

Can I submit my movie to Netflix directly?

No, you can’t. Netflix officially recommends submitting through a third party with ties to their company. If you contact Netflix individually, you unfortunately won’t hear anything back.

Submit your movie to a third party, like a distributor or aggregator. Netflix only reviews and accepts movies that are submitted through a third party group with ties to Netflix. Distributors and aggregators are great groups to contact—they can review your film and let you know if it has a good chance at being licensed by Netflix. Then, if they like the film, they can pitch it to Netflix on your behalf. Both distributors and aggregators have the resources and connections to pitch your film to Netflix—the main difference is that a distributor takes a more personal interest in your movie.

How much does a distributor or aggregator cost?

Working with a distributor or aggregator can cost over $1,000. Different groups use different pricing models, so there isn’t a universal, consistent charge you can expect. However, most groups charge at least $1,000 to get your film on Netflix, while other groups may add on pitch fees and annual charges. For instance, Quiver charges a $1500 base price, along with a $150 pitch fee and a $75 annual charge. Distribber charges a base fee of $995, along with a $150 annual charge.

How do I submit a movie to Netflix?

Write a pitch to promote your film. A pitch is basically a snapshot of your movie—it’s your chance to show how your film is unique, and what sets it apart from the crowd. Use your pitch to highlight any noteworthy talent or influencers who helped make the film. Additionally, mention if your film covers a really popular topic, or if it already has a big fan following. For instance, you might mention if your movie is rooted in social justice issues. Netflix receives a lot of pitches of indie filmmakers. Your pitch really highlights what Netflix gets out of purchasing and hosting your movie on their platform.

Pitch your movie to a third party group. Netflix isn’t a fan of cold calls, and doesn’t accept emails from random, independent filmmakers. That’s where film distributors and aggregators come in, since these third-party groups already have a relationship with Netflix. Pitch your movie to one of these groups—they’ll let you know if your movie is good enough to make it on Netflix. If they think it’s good, they’ll help you take the next steps.

Let the distributor or aggregator pitch your film to Netflix. You won’t actually be contacting Netflix during this process. Instead, wait for your distributor or aggregator to contact the company on your behalf.

Wait for Netflix to either accept or reject your pitch. Netflix gets a lot of pitches, and probably won’t get back to you right away. Instead, wait a few weeks for a response—if Netflix is interested in your movie, they’ll iron out the licensing details with the distributor or aggregator instead of working with you directly. Typically, Netflix purchases a 1-2 year licensing fee for indie films. If Netflix is seriously considering your movie, they’ll add it to their personal database.

How do I sell my movie to Netflix without extra help?

Submit your film to a well-known film festival and see if Netflix reaches out. Netflix keeps a close eye on well-known film festivals, and often buys movies directly from them. If you’re able to premiere your film at a high-profile festival, like Sundance, Toronto, or Tribeca, you might get approached by Netflix independently.

How much does Netflix pay for my film?

Netflix typically offers 4-figure deals to independent filmmakers. It can be tough to break even with an indie film, especially if you spent a lot of money on production. Typically, Netflix offers a 4-figure licensing fee for indie films. On occasion, Netflix might offer 5-figures for your movie.

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