How to Play a Game of Tag with Friends
How to Play a Game of Tag with Friends
If you want an exciting game that helps you stay active, then tag is the perfect thing to play indoors or outdoors. The rules are so simple: one player is “it” and has to tag someone else, but the other players are trying their best to run away. When you want to put a twist on the game, there are tons of different variations no matter how many people you’re playing with. Keep reading, and we’ll cover the basic rules and the best versions to try so you can start playing in just a few minutes!
Things You Should Know
  • Choose 1 player to be “it” and have the rest of the players become “runners.” The player who’s it counts down from 10 to start the game.
  • Try to chase and tag another player if you’re “it,” and avoid getting touched if you’re a runner. When a runner gets tagged, they become the new person who’s “it.”
  • Play tag until all the players are exhausted or until each person has been “it” at least once during the game.

Tag Rules and Gameplay

Set boundaries and a safe zone in the play area. As a group, decide the size of the play area, such as a gym, soccer field, basketball court, or playground, so players don’t spread out too far apart. Then, pick a safe zone where players can go to prevent themselves from being tagged. It could be a tree, a slide, a light post, or any other spot you all can agree on. Avoid playing anywhere that’s slippery or that could hurt you if you fall down. Decide on a time limit that a player can stay in the safe zone. You may choose that players can stay there for up to 10 seconds before they have to start running again.

Choose a player to be “it.” You can play tag with 2 or more people, but it works best with a larger group. Pick a player at random or have someone volunteer to be “it” at the start of the game. Everyone else becomes a “runner.”

Start the game with a countdown. Have all the players start in the same spot in the play area. The person who’s “it” stands still and counts down from 10 while the runners try to get away. When the countdown reaches 0, the game begins and the person who’s “it” can start moving. If you’re “it,” watch where all the other players are running so you can easily find and chase them when you finish counting. If you’re a runner, try to get as far away as possible from the person who’s “it.” If you’re able to, find a hiding spot behind a tree, bush, or piece of playground equipment so you’re harder to find.

Chase and try to tag other players if you’re “it.” While a player is “it,” it’s their goal to catch up to another person and touch them. Try to tag someone with a light touch on their shoulder, upper arm, or upper back. Save your energy by walking or jogging closer to the runners. When they start moving away, break into a sprint to chase them down. Try to play mind games with the other players by faking a sudden movement in one direction. When the runner tries to run in the opposite direction, quickly follow them and try to catch up. If you’re “it,” you cannot pretend to be a runner. If a player asks if you’re “it,” you have to tell them the truth.

Avoid the person who’s “it” if you’re a runner. It’s the runner’s job to stay away from the person who’s “it” as best as they can. They may run away, climb playground equipment, or hide somewhere to stay safe. If you know the person who’s “it” is faster than you, try to put obstacles in between you. That way, they can’t chase you down as easily. Try pushing off of objects to get an extra boost of speed while you’re running away.

Become “it” if you’re tagged. If a player gets tagged, they immediately become “it” and start chasing the others. The person who was originally “it” then becomes a runner and tries to avoid getting tagged. At the start of the game, you may make a rule so players can’t tag the person who tagged them. That way, a player doesn’t get stuck being “it” for the entire game.

End the game when you’re exhausted or after everyone has been “it.” Tag doesn’t have a winner or loser, so just keep playing until everyone feels tired. For a quicker game of tag, leave the play area after you tag someone. The game ends when there’s only 1 person left in the play area. Alternatively, set a timer for 3–5 minutes and play until it goes off. In this version, the player who’s “it” loses the game.

Variations of Tag

Bandage Tag In Bandage Tag, any player can tag anyone else, so everyone is “it.” The first time you’re tagged, cover the spot where you’re touched with one hand, and continue trying to tag other people with your free hand. The second time you’re touched, put your other hand on the new spot. Try to avoid getting touched a third time, or else you have to go out of bounds and do an activity you picked at the start of the game to go back in. Some common activities include counting to 20, doing 20 jumping jacks, or jumping on 1 foot for 10 seconds.

Freeze Tag Pick 1–2 players to be “it” at the start of the game. Before a 3-minute timer runs out, the players who are “it” must chase and tag all the other players. When a player is tagged, they freeze in place and stand still, but other unfrozen players can unfreeze them just by touching them. Freeze tag works best with at least 4 players, and you can increase the time limit if you want to play with a larger group.

Lava Monster In this fun variation of tag, the person who’s it is the Lava Monster. The Lava Monster has to stay on the ground, but the other players can try to avoid them by climbing on a jungle gym or playground equipment. If the Lava Monster tags someone or if a player steps on the ground, they join the monster on the ground. The last person left on the jungle gym wins!

Blob Tag Choose 2 players to be “it” and have them link their elbows to become “The Blob.” At the start of the game, “The Blob” chases the other players while keeping their elbows linked. When they touch another player, that player links their elbows and joins “The Blob.” After 4 players are in “The Blob,” it splits in half to form 2 separate Blobs. Once all players are a part of a Blob, the game is over!

Toilet Tag Pick one player to be “it” who will chase all the other players. When the person who’s it tags another player, they have to kneel down and put their right hand up by their shoulder. Any other player can touch their hand to “flush” the toilet and bring the frozen person back into the game.

Sock Tag Have every player tuck a sock or bandana into the back of their waistbands like a tail. When the game starts, everyone is “it” and tries to grab as many socks or bandanas as possible. Whoever collects the most at the end of the game, wins!

Dead Ant TagChoose a player to start as “it” that chases everyone else. When a player gets tagged, they must lie down on their back with their arms and legs in the air. If 4 separate people can touch the hands or feet of a tagged player, that person is back in the game. But if you’re tagged 3 times, then you also become “it!”

Sharks and Minnows Set up a play area, like a basketball court or gym floor. One player starts as the “Shark” and stands in the middle of the play area. The other players are “Minnows” and line up on one end of the play area. When the Shark tells the Minnows to cross the ocean, the other players must run to the other end of the play area without getting tagged. If a player gets tagged, they become a Shark and try to tag players too. Alternatively, try Octopus Tag. The game plays exactly the same, except when a player is tagged, they have to freeze in place. They can still tag other players that get too close to them.

Flashlight Tag In this nighttime variation of tag, the person who’s “it” gets a flashlight and the other players go hide somewhere in the dark. After a few seconds, the player who’s it turns on their flashlight and looks for the other players. If a player gets the flashlight shone on them, then they’ve been tagged and are out for the round. For even more fun, choose a place for tagged players to stand. Other players who haven’t been tagged yet can sneak up and touch the tagged player to free them again.

Everyone’s It This variation is best if you play it with a group of 10 or more. Get everyone together and start a 2- or 3-minute timer. As soon as time starts, everyone tries to tag as many other people as they can. Whenever you tag someone, you get 1 point, but you lose 1 point each time you’re tagged. Whoever tagged the most people when the timer runs out is the winner.

Elbow Tag Split the players into groups of 2 and have them link arms at the elbow. Choose 1 player to be “it” and the other player to be the runner. The person who’s “it” tries to tag the runner, but the runner has to link arms with any other person within 5 seconds. Once they do, the player on the other end of the link has to let go and becomes the new runner. When the person who’s “it” tags the runner, then they become the new runner. Elbow tag requires about 20–30 people, so it’s best with a large group.

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