How to Make Strawberry Milk
How to Make Strawberry Milk
Strawberry milk is one of the easiest and most traditional flavorings for cheering up plain old milk. This article will demonstrate just how easily and quickly you can whip up delicious strawberry milk in the same amount of time it takes to read these instructions.

Simple Ultra Fast Method (Powder or Syrup)

Ready your glass.

Pour the milk into the glass about 2 inches/ 5 cm from the top.

Pour 1 tablespoon of strawberry powder or syrup into the glass. If it is still a little weak, add another tablespoon.Make Strawberry Milk Step 3Bullet1.jpg

Mix. Taste it to see if there is enough strawberry flavor. Adjust if needed.


Fast Method (Jam)

Scoop 3 or 4 tsp of strawberry jam into a mug, depending on how strong/sweet you want the milk to be.

Mix it together a few times to make it softer.

Add a tiny bit of hot water, just enough to make the jam liquid.

Fill the mug with milk, mix, and enjoy!

The Real Strawberry Method (Slightly Slower)

Select strawberries. Old, mushy ones are fine too provided they are not moldy.

Slice the strawberries in half.

Place the strawberries in the blender.

Add milk.

Blend until smooth.

Pour into glass. Top up with milk.


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