How to Make a Scorpio Man Miss You
How to Make a Scorpio Man Miss You
Whether you’re currently dating a Scorpio man or you’re trying to get him back, making him think about you when you aren’t around is a great way to get him to miss you. Scorpio men are known for their loyalty and ambition, which makes them great life partners, so there’s no wonder why you’d want to be running through his mind. To get him thinking about you all the time, read through these helpful tips and try out a few to see just how effective they are.

Wait before texting him back.

Don’t ignore him completely, but try taking a few hours in between messages. Scorpios don’t like to be ignored, but waiting a little while to respond can be a good way to hold his attention. If he texts or calls you out of the blue, act like you’re busy, and only respond after a couple of hours. He’ll probably be thinking about you the whole time, and he might even wonder if you’re off having fun with someone else. If you feel like you’re always the one to reach out first, take a break from that and let him contact you instead. He’ll probably have a moment when he realizes that you two haven’t talked in a little bit, and it will make him miss you even more.

Limit what you post on social media.

Create an air of mystery around yourself. Instead of posting a bunch of Instagram stories showing off where you are or who you’re with, keep a few things to yourself, and only post vague things that don’t tell the whole story. If he’s confused about what you’re doing or who you’re hanging out with, he’ll probably ruminate on those thoughts for a while, and it will be hard to get you out of his head. For instance, maybe you head out for a beach day with friends. Instead of posting a group photo, take a quick pic of your feet in the sand and post it to your story without a location tag. He’ll know you’re at the beach, but he won’t know exactly where or who you’re with.

Try out a new look.

A fun makeover is sure to capture a Scorpio man’s attention. Try out a new hairstyle, a new hair color, or a fun new makeup look. Head out for a shopping spree and try on a few new outfits that make you feel great. When you two meet up again, he’ll be dazzled by your new look, and he’ll probably think about you a lot more once you leave. If you want to buy some new clothes without breaking the bank, hit up a thrift store near you.

Remind him of the good times you’ve had.

Scorpio men are often nostalgic. If you two have shared some good times together, send him a text or a pic about them as a fun reminder. The more he thinks about all the fun stuff you’ve done in the past, the more he’ll start to miss you and want to create new memories. You can keep this casual by saying something like, “Was clearing out old photos and stumbled across this pic of us in Peru. Remember how fun that trip was?”

Get intimate with him.

Physical intimacy is very important to Scorpio men. When you’re with him, try to break the touch barrier, and pat him on the arm or hold his hand as much as possible. Chances are, your touch will linger on his skin, and he’ll be stuck thinking about you for the rest of the day. If you two have already been sleeping together, don’t underestimate the power of some good makeup sex. Scorpios in particular value physicality, and it can be a great way to reconnect after a fight (or even a breakup).

Have deep conversations with him.

Show off your emotional intelligence to get him thinking about you later. When you two are together, try to go beyond small talk, and really dive into things that you might not chat about with other people. If he has his guard up, it might take him a little while to trust you, but he’ll appreciate the fact that you’re trying and it will make him want you more than ever. For instance, you two could talk about your childhoods, your past relationships, your friends, or even your goals for the future.

Check in with him about his emotions.

It can be hard to read Scorpio men sometimes, so you may have to ask. Scorpios don’t wear their hearts on their sleeves—in fact, they tend to bottle up their emotions and put on a facade so that other people don’t think they’re weak. If you want to get closer to your Scorpio man, check in with him about how he’s feeling often so he knows he can trust you. This is especially important if you two had a fight or you think you might break up. He might not show it, but he’s probably hurting, just like you are. You could say something like, “You’ve seemed a little down lately. Are you okay? Is there anything you wanted to talk about?”

Apologize if you’re in the wrong.

If you’ve hurt your Scorpio man, you might have some explaining to do. We all mess up in relationships sometimes, and it’s totally fine to admit your mistakes. If you can explain how you messed up and sincerely apologize, a Scorpio man is much more likely to respect you (and therefore think about you a lot more). For example, if you weren’t making enough time for him in the relationship, you might say, “I wasn’t making you a priority, and I’m sorry for that. I understand why that hurt you, and it won’t happen again.”

Maintain your independence.

Go out with your friends and keep up with your hobbies. Scorpio men really value a partner that can stand on their own without relying on them for everything. While it’s fine to lean on your partner every once in a while, be sure to show the Scorpio man that you don’t need his help—it’s guaranteed to make him think about you when you’re gone. A good way to do this is to tell him about your busy schedule. Something like, “Oh, I can’t hang out on Monday because I’m going out with friends,” will make him feel like you have your own life.

Stay loyal to him.

It’s fine to play hard to get, but don’t try to make your man jealous. Scorpio men value loyalty and honesty, and they don’t appreciate it when someone goes behind their back. As you work on making him miss you, be careful when toeing the line of your relationship, and be sure that he’s the only man in your life. Making a Scorpio man jealous can actually push him away instead of bringing him closer.

Give him some space.

It’s counterintuitive, but leaving him alone can make him miss you a lot. It’s totally normal to want to see your partner a lot, but try to give him some alone time, too. Scorpios are usually pretty independent, and he might not appreciate it if you get clingy or overbearing. Instead, take advantage of the nights he wants to spend alone by going out and doing your own thing. There’s a good chance that he’ll realize that he misses you while you’re out on your own. The more you can accept his need for space, the better. If you’re accepting of his needs, he’s sure to fall for you even harder.

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