How to Get Rid of Pinworms
How to Get Rid of Pinworms
Pinworms, or threadworms, are tiny, worm-like parasites that cause severe itching around the anus. The body is sometimes able to fight off mild infestations, especially if home treatment is provided. Due to the extremely contagious nature of pinworms, however, it is generally recommended that an affected individual seek medical treatment to rid themselves of the parasite faster. Continue reading to find out more about what you need to do to get rid of pinworms.

Eliminating Pinworms Through Good Hygiene

Commit to practicing extreme cleanliness. Pinworms have a lifespan of about six weeks, so to clear up pinworm infection without medication and prevent re-infection, you and your family will have to take great care with personal hygiene and cleanliness for at least this long. Pinworms are highly contagious, so everyone in the household should participate. Even if you passed the parasite to someone else, it is possible to become re-infected.

Wash your hands frequently. Wash your hands frequently with soap and warm water to help prevent the spread of pinworms. Be especially diligent about washing your hands thoroughly after using the bathroom or changing diapers. It’s also essential that you teach your children about the importance of washing their hands, and make sure they follow through because children often unknowingly spread the infection.

Cut and scrub your nails. Pinworm eggs can get lodged under fingernails when you scratch, so cut nails short and scrub them to reduce the likelihood that this will occur. Cutting nails might also keep you from engaging in bad habits such as nail-biting, which increase the risk of pinworm infection.

Clean your clothes, bedding, and towels. Pinworm eggs can get on your clothes and bedding, especially as you sleep, which makes it vital that you wash these items daily in hot water and laundry detergent. Underwear, pajamas, pants, towels, and washcloths should be washed daily for the duration of the infestation. Bedding should also be washed daily unless an anti-parasite medication is taken, at which point it only needs to be washed on the first day of treatment and every three days or so after that. Dry all items in a heated dryer. Heat is more effective at killing pinworms than other methods of drying. Be careful not to share towels or washcloths so you do not spread the infection.

Shower daily. Take a hot shower at least once a day while the infestation continues. Use body wash or soap as you wash as opposed to merely rinsing yourself with water. Pay special attention to the skin around the anus so that you scrub away any pinworm eggs. Shower in the morning so you can wash away more pinworm eggs left behind during the night. Showers are better than baths because they reduce the risk of spreading pinworm eggs to other parts of your body. Pinworm eggs that are washed off into bathwater can find their way to your mouth or other areas of the body.

Clean any potentially contaminated surfaces. Cleaning potentially contaminated surfaces is important because pinworm eggs can stick to things you touch such as clothing, toys, dishes, and furniture. The eggs can also survive two to three weeks outside the body. Toilet seats should be cleaned daily. Clean and disinfect counters and other surfaces regularly. Clean and disinfect your child’s toys. Store toothbrushes in a cabinet and rinse them with warm water before use.

Stop scratching. Even though pinworms usually cause an irritating itch, you should avoid scratching around the anus because you might get the pinworm eggs on your hands or fingers and transmit the infection to other people. Scratching affected areas may cause the pinworm eggs to get trapped under your nails. Wear gloves or socks over your hands at night to prevent yourself from scratching in your sleep. Cut your nails short. This way, even if you do scratch by accident, it is less likely that the pinworm eggs will get lodged beneath the nail.

Treating Pinworms with Medication

Get a pinworm diagnosis. Reach out to your doctor and tell them that you think you may have pinworms. They can give you supplies to collect samples to check if pinworms are the cause of your itching. Before you go to bed or right as you wake up, press a piece of cellophane tape on the area around your anus. Collect samples over 3 days to return to your doctor.

Purchase an over-the-counter pinworm medicine. Look for an oral medication containing pyrantel pamoate. This medicine paralyzes the nervous system of pinworms, forcing them to exit the body in one's stool. Follow label instructions to determine the dosing amount and frequency. This medication should not be used if you have liver problems, are pregnant, or are breastfeeding. Pyrantel pamoate can interact with other medications and supplements so it’s a good idea to ask a doctor or pharmacist if this medicine is safe for you to use before taking it.

Ask your doctor for a prescription anti-parasite medication. Individuals with pinworm infestation are often treated with an anti-parasite medication that quickly wipes out adult pinworms. The two most common anti-parasite medications used to treat pinworm infestations are albendazole and mebendazole. Both of these drugs prevent worms from absorbing sugar, thereby causing them to lose energy and die. These drugs may cause mild gastrointestinal upset, including stomach pain and nausea. More severe side effects include a sore throat, fever, unusual bleeding or bruising, shortness of breath, and fatigue. If any unusual side effects appear, stop use and contact your doctor. Your doctor may advise against these prescription treatments for patients who are pregnant or under the age of two years.

Request anti-itch cream. Ask your doctor for their recommendation on an anti-itch cream safe for use near the anus. You may receive an over-the-counter or prescription cream. Even though the anti-parasite medication will be enough to kill the pinworms, you may still experience itching after the initial round of medication. This can be both uncomfortable and problematic, since eggs may remain in the system even after all matured pinworms have died off. Scratching can spread these eggs, making the matter worse.

Prepare to take a repeat treatment. Your doctor may recommend taking a second round of medication two weeks after the conclusion of the first round. Pinworm symptoms may fade or disappear within the first week of treatment, but these medications only kill adult worms. A second-round or "repeat" treatment kills any pinworms that hatch from eggs that were not destroyed by the initial treatment.

Observe good hygiene. Although pinworm medication is effective, it's imperative that you and your family observe good hygiene practices to reduce the risk of re-infection and transmission of pinworms. Follow the guidelines in Method 1 to prevent re-infection from occurring and to reduce the risk of transmitting pinworms to other people.

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