How to Get Referrals For Your Website
How to Get Referrals For Your Website
You have created your own website. Now you just need to get traffic to it. Without traffic, your website will not be successful. Here are some tips on how to get referrals for your websites.

Hand out business cards. Business cards are a good way to promote your site when you are offline. Add your website address and hand them out when you are in public. If you have friends and family, or even current clients or business associates, see if they do not mind handing out cards for you.

Put up flyers. You can create flyers with your website and information on it. Post it in public bulletin boards in places such as colleges, grocery stores and libraries.

Join and contribute to forums. Forums are great places to get more referrals and to drive traffic to your website. You can use the signature feature in forums to post a link to your website or even advertise your site. You can post special offers in your signature if the forum topic is related to your business or blog. Offering a discount for every referral can get the people that are viewing your signature to refer you.

Talk to people on instant messenger. Be friendly and put yourself out there. Meet new people and talk up your website. If people get really interested, you can always offer special incentives to them if they send their family and friends to your site.

Ask your family and friends. This is a great place to start since you are already comfortable with them. Ask them if they can refer your website to their friends. Word of mouth is a great way to get free advertising.

Ask for referrals from existing clients or viewers. If you already have a dedicated following or returning customers, then it can't hurt to ask them if they can refer you. You may want to offer them a discount or some other incentive for every person they refer.

Create a blog. Starting your own blog and promoting yourself can drive traffic to your website. This works best if your blog has some relation to the topic of your website. You can use your blog to host give-a-ways if your website sells products. Post often to your blog to drive traffic to it, and then point your blog followers to your website.

Post your website address and link wherever you can. Add a link to your website to your email signatures and instant messenger profiles. You can also add it to your pages on social networking sites. If you know anyone else with their own website, you can ask them to post a link to your website for you.

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