How to Evolve Amaura in Pokémon X and Y
How to Evolve Amaura in Pokémon X and Y
Amaura is a powerful fossil Rock and Ice-type Pokémon in Pokémon X and Y. It’s a powerful Pokémon that can learn a variety of different moves, so it can be a valuable asset to your team. However, in order to evolve it into the also Rock and Ice-type Aurorus, a unique condition must be met.

Make sure it is night-time in your game. In order for Amaura to evolve, it must be night-time in your game; otherwise, the evolution will not happen, and you'll have to attempt this again when it is. In Pokémon X and Y, nighttime is considered to be from 9:00PM–3:59AM.

Get your Amaura up to level 38, and to the point where it needs very little EXP in order to level up again.

Enter into a battle with your Amaura at night. This can either be an encounter with a wild Pokémon, a battle with a trainer, or a gym battle. If you don't want to use Amaura in this battle for any reason, while your Amaura must be in your party, if your EXP share is turned on, then the Amaura will still gain EXP.

Win the battle. You can either catch the Pokémon if it's in the wild, or win the battle. Once you win, if it's still night-time in your game, an animation should start up of Amaura evolving.

Wait for the evolution animation to finish. Once the animation is complete, you should now have an Aurorus to use in your party. Avoid pressing the B button at all during the animation, or the evolution will stop.

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