How to Emotionally Connect with a Taurus Man
How to Emotionally Connect with a Taurus Man
A Taurus man can seem like a puzzle. He's sensitive and fiercely loyal, but he doesn't open up about his feelings very often. Fortunately, if you're patient and steady, you can strengthen the emotional bond you have with a Taurus. Check out the following suggestions to help you communicate with this stubborn but sweet sign.

Connect through physical touch.

Tauruses are big on hugs, cuddling, and casual touches. If you want your guy to feel an emotional bond, it starts with physical touch! You might tickle him, brush against his arm, or give him a hug. If you've been for a while, you might give him a soothing massage or spend more time with foreplay—kissing, cuddles, and caresses are vital for your man. Due to the sign being ruled by Venus, Taurus men tend to be highly sensual and physically affectionate in a very tactile way.

Spend time with him in person.

A Taurus needs to be close to you physically before he can emotionally connect. You might notice that your guy thrives with routine and most of his energy goes to basic needs. Since it's harder for him to reach out with phone calls or text messages, make a point of spending time in-person—meet up after work, grab a meal together, or run errands with him. This isn't to say that you can't text him or send a message when you're thinking about him. It just means he'll have an easier time emotionally connecting if you're hanging out together.

Cook for your Taurus.

Tauruses love food and he'll let down his guard if you feed him. In this case, it's true that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach! If you make him his favorite dish or share a family meal with him, he'll see it as more than just food. A good meal can help him relax and feel way more comfortable around you. Not a great cook? You can still treat your Taurus—bring him his favorite takeout or make reservations at a restaurant that he wants to try.

Appreciate your Taurus and model communication skills.

Praise your Taurus and tell him how you feel about him. He's probably not going to speak a lot about his emotions and that's fine. You can model good communication skills by letting him know what you're thinking and feeling. Start by giving him compliments. You might say, "Hey, I noticed that you put air in my tires. That made my day a lot easier. Thanks for being so thoughtful!" For instance, if he's always spending time with you, it's because he likes to be with you. Does he do little, thoughtful things for you out of the blue? It's probably because he cares for you.

Accept him for who he is.

You can’t force your Taurus to open up or emotionally connect with you. You can't pry or criticize him to get information. He'll resist your efforts, so find things that you appreciate about him instead and keep modeling good communication. For example, you might wish that he'd be more forthcoming about how he's feeling emotionally. Realize that sharing his feelings is probably pretty hard for him. Instead, you might acknowledge that he's physically affectionate or does helpful things for you as a way of expressing himself.

Make him feel valued.

Your Taurus guy is sensitive and wants to be appreciated. Even though he doesn't show his emotions easily, he is a deeply feeling guy. You'll strengthen your connection if you let him know that you appreciate him. Even just a quick, "Hey, I wanted to thank you for bringing me lunch. Has anyone ever told you how great you are?" will be great for his self-esteem.

Keep calm when you talk about your feelings.

Taurus men don’t like big displays of emotion. If something's come up and you need to talk about the two of you, don't get dramatic or upset even if you're frustrated. Calmly explain how you're feeling and give him a chance to talk. If you get too excited or demand that he explain himself, he'll probably shut down. It's also really important that you don't interrupt him when he starts to open up. For instance, you might say, "Can we talk about how you haven't met my family yet? I kind of feel like you don't want to and I'm not sure why," instead of something like, "You don't want to meet my family because you don't care about me! It's like you don't even want to be with me!"

Listen to what he’s telling you.

Tauruses are pretty straightforward so don't read too much into things. In fact, if he tells you what he thinks or feels about something, that's what he's thinking or feeling! He doesn't have a hidden agenda or feelings that he's hoping you'll uncover. If you thrive on drama in a relationship, you might have a hard time with a Taurus. He's interested in arguing or hashing out emotions.

Be vulnerable and authentic.

Your Taurus man won't feel an emotional connection if he can't trust you. If you're trying to get him to open up, be honest with your emotions and don't play games like trying to make him jealous. Be yourself and your Taurus guy will love you for it. Remember how Tauruses don't usually go for casual relationships? He's looking for someone who will be by his side before he's ready to open up.

Provide emotional security.

A Taurus wants stability and routine in a relationship. He's looking for commitment, not a casual relationship. You can show that you're loyal by trusting him, working through your problems, respecting him, and showing him that you care. He might have an easier time expressing himself once you two have gotten into a comfortable routine. Tauruses don't like change, so knowing that you're steady and reliable is critical for emotional connection.

Be patient with your Taurus.

A Taurus man needs time to process his emotions. He might need space to figure out what he's feeling before he's ready to talk. This is because he's thoughtful about what he wants to communicate. One way you might initiate a tough conversation with your Taurus is to give him a heads up that you want to talk. You might say, "It seems like you've been stressed about something. Can we meet up this weekend to talk?" Taurus men, due to their fixed earth natures, tend to be loyal, materialistic, stable, financially secure, honest, but also stubborn. It's important to know that and be patient.

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