How to Determine Your Harry Potter House
How to Determine Your Harry Potter House
Are you a fan of Harry Potter, but don't know which house you belong to? Many people are puzzled at which house they're in. Different houses have different traits, and sometimes it can be hard to decide. If this is your case, then this wikiHow is for you!

Understanding House Traits

Understand the traits of the Gryffindor house. People in Gryffindor are usually fearless and brave, hence the lion as the house symbol. The Gryffindor house values bravery. See if you are willing to do things outside your comfort zone. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley were in Gryffindor. They are great examples of the house's traits, and they both show great courage. The house colours of Gryffindor are scarlet and bronze. Their symbol is a lion. The Gryffindor house corresponds to the element of fire.

Understand the traits of Slytherin. Though in books Slytherin is seen as mean and cruel, they are probably not in real life. Sometimes, people believe that Slytherins are bad, but this is not true. Slytherins are ambitious, cunning, strong leaders, and want to reach goals. It’s not a bad thing to be Slytherin, in fact, many celebrities, like Taylor Swift, Kim Kardashian, and Ariana Grande are Slytherin. The house colours for Slytherin are green and silver. The symbol is a serpent. The Slytherin house corresponds to the element of water.

Understand the traits of Hufflepuff. People in Hufflepuff tend to be kind and fair. Some of the more hidden traits include: Trouble finding things. Good looking. Humble. Great at working with plants. The house colours for Hufflepuff are canary yellow and black. Its symbol is a badger. This house corresponds to the element of earth.

Know the traits of Ravenclaw. People in Ravenclaw value intelligence and wisdom over most things. They want to be known as the smart one. Hermione Granger is a good example of a Ravenclaw, as she was very close to being sorted into Ravenclaw, but was eventually sorted into Gryffindor. Luna Lovegood was also sorted into Ravenclaw, being very knowledgeable. The house colours of Ravenclaw are blue and silver/bronze. Its symbol is an eagle. This house corresponds to the element of air.

Finding Examples of House Members

Observe Harry Potter's behavior to see if you are in Gryffindor. Harry Potter's personality is exactly Gryffindor's—bravery, courage, and fearlessness. Watch what Harry Potter does in the movie/book and think if you are close to him. If you tend to do similar things as Harry Potter, you have a strong Gryffindor side. One example of Harry's bravery is when he went into the Chamber of Secrets and almost got killed.

Have a look at Cedric Diggory's traits to see if you're in Hufflepuff. For example, in Book 4 (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire), Cedric is humble and tells Harry to take the cup first. He believes in fairness.

Watch Luna Lovegood's behaviour for traits of Ravenclaw. Luna was very educated in magical creatures, as her family were very interested in them and looked for them. She knew how much some creatures were misunderstood, like thestrals, and she knew what they were actually like.

Understand Professor Snape's traits for Slytherins. Even though Snape was mean to Harry Potter at the beginning of the series, he still showed bravery and ambitiousness, the main traits of Slytherin.

Putting it Together

Compare your traits to each of the house traits. Think of which traits you have most—bravery, desire to learn, cunning, kindness, or fairness? You may be a mixture of two houses—that's fine. It's okay to be, say, Slytherclaw or Gryffinpuff. It can also help to think about what you like doing. For example, you may like helping people. This might give you a chance for Hufflepuff.

Ask other people for their opinion on your house. Other people usually know you better than yourself. They experience your personality and may bring up viewpoints you don't know about or aren't aware of yourself!

Take an online test. Online tests are a great way to find out your house and/or make sure your estimate is correct. Try to take as many as you can to see which result you got most often. The official Pottermore/Wizarding World test is the best test to take when it comes to figuring out your Hogwarts house. Make sure to answer the questions honestly!

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