Are Leo and Taurus Good Friends? Everything You Need to Know
Are Leo and Taurus Good Friends? Everything You Need to Know
The regal Leo is flashy and dramatic while the sensual Taurus is down-to-earth and relaxed. They might seem like they have nothing in common, but actually, these two fixed signs can become steadfast and loyal friends. Read on to find out what they do have in common and how they can overcome challenges to become BFFs.This article is based on an interview with our psychic astrologer, Stina Garbis, owner of Psychic Stina. Check out the full interview here.
Things You Should Know
  • Leo and Taurus have a dedicated and consistent friendship. As fixed signs, they both hate change and are willing to stick it out to the bitter end.
  • These two signs highly value loyalty and trust so they both know they've always got each other's backs, come what may. They're true "ride or die" friends.
  • The lion and the bull share a love of beauty and luxury. The lion's generosity ensures that they're always pampering the bull. These two know how to spoil each other.

Leo and Taurus Friendship Overview

Leo and Taurus are dedicated friends that stand the test of time. While the lion and the bull do sometimes butt heads, they're also fiercely loyal and stick with each other through good times and bad. These two fixed signs hate change, so once they're together, they're together for the long haul. Leo: As a fellow fixed sign and lover of all things beautiful and luxurious, your Taurus friend definitely understands your wants and needs. The two of you will spoil each other. Taurus: While your Leo friend can be over-the-top and dramatic from time to time, they're truly loyal to you and you know you can always rely on them to help you out in times of crisis.


Both signs value loyalty and will always stick up for each other. Leo and Taurus have a true blue friendship and stick by each other's sides no matter what. Once they connect, they don't hesitate to stand up for each other and support each other, even if they don't always see eye to eye. Leo: Even though you might like to get your way more often, your Taurus friend will appreciate it if you compromise and let them take charge from time to time. Just know that you'll never be disappointed with any plans they make! Taurus: Show your loyalty by lavishing your Leo friend with praise and compliments, which they love and can't get enough of. When they see how much you admire them, they'll know you're always going to be by their side.


Leo and Taurus trust each other because they have similar outlooks. While these two do have some differences, they understand each other so well that trusting each other is almost automatic. As a fire sign, Leo might be more dramatic than their earth sign Taurus friend, but they're both sincere and bring out the best in each other. Leo: Your Taurus friend typically doesn't enjoy being the center of attention. This means you can trust them to support you and have your back rather than competing with you or trying to steal the spotlight. Taurus: Because your Leo friend is more dramatic and extroverted than you are, they can sometimes make you feel insecure. Recognize that you can trust them to always be in your corner, even if they're lapping up praise from someone else.


Both signs are strongly committed to genuine friendship. Taurus likes to keep their social circle small and it can be hard to break in. But once you're there, Taurus will do whatever it takes to keep you there. Leo loves the fact that Taurus won't shy away from that commitment and that they can always count on them. Leo: Avoid taking advantage of your Taurus friend. When you know they're not going anywhere, it can be easy for you to take control of the friendship in ways that might be unfair to them. Taurus: Watch out that you don't become too comfortable and complacent in your friendship as time goes on. Always show your appreciation for your Leo friend so they don't feel as though you're taking them for granted.


Taurus and Leo bond over a shared love of beautiful, luxurious things. These two definitely know the meaning of the phrase "treat yourself"—and they do it often. With Taurus ruled by Venus, the planet of beauty, and Leo ruled by the Sun, the center of the universe, there's no stopping these two from absolutely spoiling each other. Leo: Your sign is generous and loves to give gifts to people you're close to. Your Taurus friend loves luxurious comfort and things that appeal to their senses, so give them a beautiful, soft blanket in an earth tone or take them out to their favorite restaurant. Taurus: Your flashy Leo friend loves compliments and attention, so be sure to comment on their new 'fit. If you shower them with praise they'll return your friendly affection ten-fold.


Leo and Taurus both know they can rely on each other no matter what. Since Taurus tends to focus on security and stability in any relationship, they need to know that they can depend on their friend—and they can certainly depend on Leo. Neither of them would hesitate to ask the other for assistance or a favor, knowing they're always willing and able to lend each other a helping hand. Leo: Check in with your Taurus friend from time to time and make sure they're truly okay doing the things they're doing for you. They have a tendency to do things out of a sense of obligation long after they'd rather stop. Taurus: If your Leo friend wants you to do something that you're not comfortable with, don't hesitate to let them know. If you go along with it, you could end up building resentment and that's never a good sign in any relationship.

Potential Challenges

Both signs are stubborn and insist on having their own way. The stubbornness of a bull may be well-known, but a lion can be stubborn as well. It's hard for them to compromise when they don't see eye to eye and it's likely tempers could flare on occasion as a result. Leo: Like other fixed signs, you might have a tendency to hold grudges, especially if you feel like your Taurus friend doesn't appreciate you enough. Be willing to let it go and acknowledge that your friendship is more important. Taurus: Learn to forgive your Leo friend when they do you wrong. Your sign has a tendency to hold grudges and this can ultimately damage your friendship.

Taurus and Leo can struggle with communication and end up fighting a lot. With two signs that are both pretty stubborn and set in their ways, communication breakdowns are likely. Neither of them is a fan of change and will resist accommodating each other when doing so would force them to change their normal behavior patterns. Leo: Be willing to compromise with your Taurus friend when necessary. Remind yourself that your actual friendship is more valuable than any disagreement or small changes you might have to make. Taurus: When you and your Leo friend disagree, try to look at your position from a more objective perspective. If you put your friendship first, you'll be more likely to find a resolution to your problems.

Overall Friendship Compatibility

Leo and Taurus have a strong, sincere bond that can't be broken. Leos can be protective of their friends, which is important for a Taurus since they tend to keep a small social circle. They both know they can trust each other through thick and thin and that their friendship is one for the ages, even if they have some struggles along the way. They truly won't give up on each other. Leo: Avoid getting too idealistic and thinking your friendship has to be perfect to be valuable. You have a dedicated and consistent companion in your Taurus friend. Taurus: Recognize that even though they might be quite loud and flashy at times, your Leo friend truly has your best interests at heart. Even when you're fighting, you're still dedicated to each other.

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