2 Ways to Send an Invisible Message on Discord
2 Ways to Send an Invisible Message on Discord
Sending invisible and hidden messages on Discord is fun! As long as the server doesn't prohibit it, you can send blank messages back and forth with others to create what appears to be an invisible conversation. You can also use spoiler tags to type a secret message that stays invisible until someone clicks or taps it. This wikiHow article will teach you different ways to send invisible messages on Discord.
Things You Should Know
  • Type either ** ** or _ _ into a channel or chat to send a blank message.
  • You can make the blank message multiple lines long by typing the same symbol onto multiple new lines.
  • To hide a message as a spoiler until somebody clicks it, type || two pipe symbols || on either side of the text.

Sending Blank Messages

Type ** ** or _ _ to send an empty message. Make sure there's a space between the two sets of asterisks or two underscores. When you enter just those marks, you're sending a message, but nothing is in it, so it'll look like an invisible message. Asterisks and underscores are actually formatting codes you can use to make bold and underlined words on Discord.

Make your blank message take up more than one line. To make your invisible message look longer, type the symbol again onto one or more new lines. After typing ** ** or _ _ once, create a line break by pressing Shift + Enter (PC) or Shift + Return (Mac). If you're using a phone or tablet, tap the Return key. Repeat for as many lines as you'd like, and then send the message.

Send a huge empty message. If you want to fill the whole channel with empty space, type ** ** or _ _ on 50+ new lines to create a blank chat. It might be easiest to type ** ** onto 50 separate lines in a text editor like Notepad or TextEdit first and then copy and paste the symbols into Discord.

Hiding Text Until It's Clicked

Go to the channel where you want to send invisible text. If you want your invisible message to be hiding certain words or phrases, you can use special characters to censor the text. The text will show up in the message or channel as a gray bar. When a person clicks or taps the invisible text, your hidden message will be revealed. You can also use this trick if you don't want to reveal spoilers.

Type your text into the chat space but do not press "Enter." You'll want to leave your text in the chat bar so you can edit it before sending it to the Discord channel.

Type || before and after the text you want to censor. Anything between || and || will be invisible. For example, type "||Colonel Mustard in the living room with the candlestick||" to hide all of that sentence, or "||Colonel Mustard|| in the living room with the candlestick" to hide just the name of who has the candlestick. The | key on your keyboard is above the Enter or Return key. You'll need to hold down Shift to make the correct symbol appear. If you're using a Mac or Windows computer or an iOS device (like an iPhone or iPad), you can also highlight the message you want to hide, then click the eye icon or tap Mark as Spoiler.

Press ↵ Enter or ⏎ Return. Once the message is in the channel, you'll see that everything between the lines is blanked out. Anyone in the Discord channel can click the blanked-out space to reveal the invisible message. To rehide the message after revealing it, you can leave the channel and then come back. You can also enter "/spoiler" before your entire message and it will be invisible.

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