He watches how you treat other people.
A sensitive Cancer wants to see how empathetic you are. Cancers are water signs, meaning that they’re super sensitive and rather emotional. Because of this, he’ll want to know if you’re capable of treating him with the empathy he needs. He’ll pay attention to how you react when someone’s emotional and if you support your friends. He needs reassurance and tenderness in a relationship, and the best way to find that out is to see how you act when you think no one is watching. Be your authentic self when you’re around him to show him who you are inside and out.
He asks about your family.
A Cancer man looks for loyalty and devotion in a partner. Asking about your upbringing and family dynamics helps him learn more about you and your values. The 4th House, otherwise known as the House of Home and Family, rules his zodiac sign. With this, he is very connected to his own family, and wants to know if you share the same devotions and loyalties. Let him know if talking about your family is triggering. He’s looking for honesty and vulnerability, and the last thing he wants is to make you uncomfortable.
He tells his friends and family about you.
A loyal Cancer wants to see if his friends and family approve of you. With the 4th House ruling his zodiac sign, it’s no surprise that he cherishes his relationships. The opinions of his friends and family matter most to him, so he’ll tell them all about you if he's serious about you. He’ll most likely want you to meet them, and how you get along with his homies could be a deal maker or breaker. Ask him questions when he mentions his loved ones. Showing an interest in his life can help you past his test. It can be nerve-wracking meeting the friends and family of the man you care about for the first time, but you got this! Take a deep breath and remember to be yourself.
He asks about your passions and aspirations.
Imaginative Cancers seek someone who shares their creative spirit. By asking about your biggest hopes and dreams, he’s testing how open you can be with him. He wants to know what makes you tick, so tell him about your life goals and ambitions, no matter how strange or obscure. Ask him about his desires and aspirations in return. Showing an interest in his personal life tells him that you care just as deeply about him as he does about you.
He showers you with presents.
How you react to affection is one of his ultimate tests. A Cancer man will stop at nothing to show you how much he cares about you. He’ll surprise you with gifts, whether it’s a sparkling piece of jewelry that highlights your eyes or the dish detergent you keep forgetting to buy. He notices the little things, and appreciating his efforts can go a long way. Thank him for the gift if it’s something you truly appreciate. Put his gifts to good use! This will show him that he’s doing something right. Consider giving him a surprise gift in return. Cancer men are very sentimental, so give him a gift from the heart like something handmade or that reminds you of them.
He opens up emotionally.
Reserved Cancers want to know how you’ll react when he’s vulnerable. Although sensitive, he won’t share his deepest thoughts to just anyone. His ruling planet is the Moon, which makes him extremely protective about how he expresses himself. Opening up emotionally is a giant step for him, and how you react can be a telling sign of if he wants to continue with the relationship. Be supportive when he does come to you. He craves validation and a listening ear. Being vulnerable isn’t easy for him, so be authentic and supportive. Share your feelings with him in return. This is a great way to show that you trust him too.
He leaves his phone unlocked around you.
A loyal Cancer will test your trust. It’s no coincidence if he leaves his phone unlocked next to you while he’s in the other room. This little test will prove if you believe him to be as loyal as he says he is. Rather than flicking through his messages and emails, leave the phone untouched or call out that he left his phone behind. Follow suit and leave your phone unlocked in his presence. This shows that you trust him too. If you both trust each other wholeheartedly, you won’t need to scroll without permission.
He starts serious conversations.
A Cancer man looks for honesty in a relationship. He may open up a political or confrontational conversation to gather how you react to a surprise debate. He wants to feel secure and comfortable when he’s with someone, and that includes being able to share and respect each other’s beliefs. He already bottles up his emotions and thoughts from the world, and the last thing he wants to do is hide them from you. If he opens up a conversation or asks a serious question, he wants to talk about it. Cancers are empathetic, so he won’t introduce a topic he isn’t comfortable exploring. Try not to alter your natural reactions and opinions. He’s doing this to get to know you better, so be authentically you.
He invites you to hang out with him.
A Cancer man wants to see if you’ll make room in your life for him. He’s 100% devoted to the relationship. To him, spending quality time with each other is extremely important. He might start asking you out every other night or spontaneously texting you about a new restaurant in town. Take this as an opportunity to show him you want to spend more time with him. Go the extra mile and invite him out first. This is a great way to tell him you’re just as committed to the relationship as he is.
He asks you about your future.
Devoted Cancers want to know if you’re in the relationship for the long haul. To make sure you’re his perfect match, he may test you by asking you detailed questions about the future. Do you want kids? What does your dream job look like? Where do you want to live? These are all things he could bring up at any moment to get your honest reaction. Be truthful with him about what you want and where you see yourself in ten years. Who knows? You may discover that you want the same things!
He starts pushing you away.
Faithful Cancers will go against their instincts to see if you’re the one. The last thing he wants is to lose you, but he has to know if you feel as strongly for him as he does for you. He may start backing off a bit. Maybe he texts you less or asks you out on fewer dates. Take the initiative and shower him with affection to say, “I don’t want to lose you.” Capture his attention with a romantic gesture. Take him on a special trip full of nostalgia or surprise him with a homemade cake.
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